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‘Spyro Reignited Trilogy’ proves nostalgia only goes so far

Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Trailer

Out of all the many recent remastered collections, I was looking forward to Spyro Reignited Trilogy the most. Spyro the Dragon originally debuted on the original PlayStation at the perfect age for me as a kid, so I have fond memories of gliding around the polygonal worlds, breathing fire at a smattering of enemies big and small, and collecting every gem in sight. In the lead-up to the collection developed by Toys for Bob — the studio who worked on Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for Switch — there was reason to think the reincarnation of the charmingly diminutive purple dragon would deliver. Each of the games in the original trilogy received a fresh coat of sparkling paint, making them look the part of a modern game. As they say, looks can deceive.

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When I removed my nostalgia glasses, one prevailing feeling washed over me. Sometimes it’s better to remember games for the way they made you feel at that specific moment in time. Spyro Reignited Trilogy is very pretty, but it’s also a relic of a genre that has since greatly evolved.

Faithful to a fault

If you’ve played the original trilogy before, then this collection will be very familiar. Everything from world design to controls to collectibles to dialogue remains exactly the same as the late-’90s titles. Although the original games were deemed some of the best of the era by many — including myself — this familiarity ultimately hurts the remastered collection.

At first, the faithful recreation of the platforming trilogy as fans remembered it charmed me. Though it only took a couple of hours with each of the three games for that charm to wear off.

It’s great to see Spyro without all of the jagged polygonal edges, and the fairly spacious open levels have much more color and detail. Running and gliding around as Spyro through a multitude of these spruced up worlds has been a pleasurable experience for my eyes. But it’s not all that fun to play. In fact, I was often bored and frustrated.

Almost immediately, I learned that the camera movement in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy did not hold up well.

Almost immediately, I learned that the camera movement in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy is not ideal. By default, you can control the camera with the right stick like most modern platforming games. Theoretically, this should mean that you won’t encounter the terrible angles seen in ’90s 3D games. But no, these frustration perspectives, especially when turning around, are still present. Much of my time playing has been spent re-centering the camera behind Spyro. It lags behind as you turn it, and when going backwards, it’s hard to tell if you’re about to get attacked by an enemy or run into a wall.

The camera issues are compounded by controls that feel imprecise and slow. During the flying missions in the first game, I constantly had to restart because pulling up to go through a ring reacted slower than I expected. I also had problems steering Spyro into enemies while running, which led to a sort of dance where I circled around them, trying to strike — all the while messing with the camera.


Spyro Reignited Trilogy gameplay

Furthermore, the relative lack of direction provided by the game makes for an awkward experience. No, I’m not saying Spyro would benefit from telling you where to go at all times, but it’s jarring to free a dragon four hours into the game only to have him tell you how to glide (as if you didn’t already know how). It doesn’t help matters that each of the three games have weird difficulty spikes and lulls. Some later sections are absurdly easy while some early stages are ridiculously cheap.

All three of the games suffer from rather tedious gameplay loops. No matter the enemy, you’re always going to either ram it once or breathe fire at it to take it out. There’s not much more to the action than that. Since Spyro doesn’t have particularly interesting platforming sequences and includes very few real puzzles, the monotony of the combat is put front and center.

Shrugging off the collect-a-thon

Sure, there are many worlds to explore, a bunch of enemy types, some decent boss battles, and plenty of characters to meet throughout the trilogy, but Spyro Reignited Trilogy is really a glorified collect-a-thon. It’s not that modern games don’t still rely on the “keep collecting stuff” gameplay model — i.e. most open world games — but 3D platformers and action games have largely made collectibles an optional pursuit.

Not here, though. Making progress is intrinsically tied to collectibles, with your accomplishments stored in the mythical guidebook. And by progress, we mean that the percentage counter almost solely ticks up as you grab another orb, free a dragon, nab a talisman (which are often earned through collecting more things), etc. Spyro is by no means the only platforming series to be so heavily invested in collecting pointless objects, but it comes off as one of the worst offenders here, mainly because there’s not much exciting happening in the space it takes you to move from one collectible to the next.

The collect-a-thon slog is most pronounced in the original, as most worlds have little to no other activities besides collecting stuff. At the very least, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon introduce more objectives into play en route to earning collectibles. For instance, there’s a hockey mini-game in Spyro 2 that nets you an orb. While these events occasionally excite, most of them feel under-developed and shallow.

Ideal for kids

If you’ve read to this point, you can probably tell I’m not too fond of Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Still, these games set up well for kids who are just getting into video games. My seven-year-old daughter watched me play for hours and enjoyed every second of it. When I handed her the controller, she relished in running around the fanciful worlds as an adorable dragon.

My seven-year-old daughter watched me play for hours and enjoyed every second of it.

This makes sense of course. I was also seven when I first played Spyro the Dragon, and I imagine I had a similar look on my face when Spyro spit fire at a charging bull. As an adult, I’ve found it hard to see the wonder of this magical platforming trilogy on PS4. What bored me fascinated my daughter.

Even though I don’t think Spyro has aged well at all, there’s still reason to believe this series can resonate with kids. In that sense, it’s timeless.

Updated to clarify that Toys for Bob worked on the Switch version of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.

Steven Petite
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Steven is a writer from Northeast Ohio currently based in Louisiana. He writes about video games and books, and consumes…
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga isn’t just for kids
Promotional art of Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.

Before Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, I had fallen out of love with TT Games and WB Games' Lego titles. The Lego Star Wars, Batman, and Indiana Jones series helped make me passionate about video games as a kid as I spent endless fun (and sometimes frustrating) hours playing them with my brother.
Over time though, I aged out of the series and grew more disappointed with the basic open-world formula the series settled on after great games like Lego City Undercover. I was no longer smitten with one of the series that helped cement my love of video games. That’s why The Skywalker Saga’s bold new direction excites me.
It not only revisits the films behind some of my favorite Lego games, but builds on top of them with more expansive hub worlds, mission variety, and deeper gameplay than previous Lego action games. While The Skywalker Saga’s multiple delays and development issues concerned me, my hands-on with an early build of the game managed to engross me just like the original Lego Star Wars did 17 years ago.
A New Hope for the series
My demo took me through the first 90 minutes of A New Hope, one of the nine Star Wars films represented within The Skywalker Saga. Like every Lego game before it, this segment of the game followed the events of the film it was based on. It features full voice acting (from soundalikes, not the film cast), though I appreciated the inclusion of a “mumble mode” that makes the characters grunt and pantomime as they did in early Lego games.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga - Gameplay Overview
TT Games also experiments with the iconic opening of A New Hope. Many jokes are present to keep kids entertained, but it also intertwines with the end of Rogue One. The first character I played as was actually Princess Leia, who has the Death Star plans and is trying to escape Darth Vader as he boards the Tantive IV. Somehow, this Lego game made this oft-adapted and parodied plot beat feel fresh.
This mission also served as a tutorial and a demonstration of how The Skywalker Saga differs from previous Lego games. Yes, there are still combat, exploration, and puzzles, but those are deeper than before. A cover-based system has been implemented to make shootouts more involving. Meanwhile, players can now string together melee combos with different moves and counter enemies' attacks, making melee battles more enjoyable than before. Character classes and abilities also ensure fights in this game are more than simple button-mashing affairs.
Missions often give players multiple options to complete objectives, whether that’s because of a specific Lego build players can create or the abilities of their playable character. It’s no Devil May Cry, but these deeper gameplay systems made sure my eyes didn’t gloss over out of boredom within the first hour, something I can’t say for the last couple of Lego games I played.
The Skywalker Saga made a strong first impression on me and excited me to see how the rest of A New Hope would unfold. I was able to play as Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi, recruit Han and Chewbacca, and explore the Death Star before my demo ended. While this is the second time TT Games is adapting this material, it feels completely new because of the revamped approach to storytelling, level design, and gameplay design.
All grown up
During my demo, I only scratched the surface of what the game had to offer. The Skywalker Saga seems to be the most densely packed Lego game yet, as all nine mainline Star Wars films have been recreated here. Not only are there linear levels based on the main plot points and set pieces of each film, but there are large hubs on planets and areas in space that players can explore and complete side missions within.
As players complete the stories of more films and gain access to more characters, ships, and planets, the amount of options players will have at their disposal will only continue to grow. The Skywalker Saga also has a progression system to back that amount of content up ,as missions reward players with Kyber Bricks that players use to unlock and enhance abilities on skill trees.

Yes, this game has skill trees to complement the aforementioned classes -- which include Jedi, Smugglers, and Protocol Droids -- and their abilities, which is useful during and outside of combat. Systems like this bring TT Games’ Lego series more up to par with its action game peers and make it feel like the franchise has finally grown up. As The Skywalker Saga will be the first Lego game in years to appeal to those with nostalgia for the series' earliest game, it's a relief to see that it won't disappoint. 
Of course, The Skywalker Saga still will be approachable enough for kids thanks to its visuals, humor, and approachable gameplay basics, but it finally doesn’t seem like that’s coming at the sacrifice of engaging gameplay for older players. While I thought I had aged out of ever liking a Lego game again, this demo of The Skywalker Saga revealed that I could still love these games -- they just had to catch up to me first.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch on April 5, 2022.

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Hogwarts Legacy set for a holiday 2022 release window
A wizard wearing the sorting hat.

After over a year of silence surrounding a new RPG set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Avalanche Software and WB Games finally revealed more about Hogwarts Legacy in a State of Play presentation. Most importantly, we learned that the game would finally be released this holiday season, though the game doesn't have an exact date yet.
Hogwarts Legacy | State of Play | March 17, 2022 [ENGLISH]
Players control a fully customizable character who's coming to Hogwarts for the first time as a fifth-year student in the late 1800s. After getting assigned to a house, players will have to attend various classes and explore the giant campus that is Hogwarts. They will then have to use the skills they learned to explore the wider Wizarding World and work with Professor Figg to deal with a Goblin rebellion and uncover the mysteries of ancient magic.
Obviously, the game features a robust spellcasting system for combat. The player will be able to upgrade their talents and other skills with experience gained while completing games and augment their abilities with potions. There's also magical gear that can be bought, crafted, and upgraded, as well as companions that can accompany the player on their journey.
While the idea of a big-budget Harry Potter game seems like a slam dunk on paper, enthusiasm for the title is mixed. That's due to the series' controversial creator J.K. Rowling, who has repeatedly been called out in recent years for transphobic comments. That's putting a damper on the game's pending release, as the controversy has closely followed the game's hype cycle.
For those still planning to pick the game up, it's clear that Avalanche went all out in making the most thorough and detailed Harry Potter game ever. And while Hogwarts Legacy got its own Sony State of Play stream, it isn't a PlayStation exclusive. Harry Potter fans can expect the game to launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S sometime during the holiday 2022 season.

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The Wolf Among Us 2 will launch in five parts next year
Bibgy smokes a cigarette in front of a full moon.

More than two years after its reveal at The Game Awards 2019, Telltale Games re-revealed The Wolf Among Us 2 on The Game Awards' YouTube channel today. A new trailer was released and a 2023 launch was confirmed.
The trailer follows Bigby as he discusses his tactics as a private investigator to a support group and confronts some magical criminals, including the Scarecrow and Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. His opponents get the upper hand, but Bigby becomes a werewolf to fight back.
The Wolf Among Us 2 - OFFICIAL Full Trailer (2022)
In an interview after the trailer, the developers explained that this game takes place six months after the first game. It will follow Snow White and Bigby as they try to rebuild Fabletown in a less corrupt way. The presentation also confirmed that Adam Harrington and Erin Yvette will reprise their roles as Bigby and Snow White, respectively. The actors teased increased tensions between the two characters as Bigby is a loose cannon and Snow White doesn't want to pick favorites while she's mayor.
The whole season will last five episodes, though Telltale and developer AdHoc teased that episodes won't come out until all of them are done and can be released in quick succession. As such, it seems like all episodes will be out in 2023, and we won't have to wait several months between each piece of the story like we did with season 1.
The Wolf Among Us 2 will be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S in 2023. The PC version will be an Epic Games Store exclusive at launch. 

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