What do you get when you combine six DLP projectors, some serious computational horsepower, and a floor-to-ceiling projector screen? A video wall that looks straight out of a sci-fi movie (minus the telling Windows desktop). CEDIA’s Future Tech pavilion featured a number of forward-looking implementations of current technology in the home, but this video wall was by far the most impressive. Digital Projection provided six M-Vision Cine 260 HB projectors to fill the wall from behind using edge blending, with Nvidia hardware to string them all together into one cohesive image. Despite short-throw lenses, the wall still needs a full nine feet behind it – not something you’ll likely be installing in your NYC apartment any time soon.
Sony’s VW1000ES 4K projector might have been this year’s CEDIA showstopper, but this setup has it beat by a mile on resolution: roughly 6,000 by 4,000 pixels. As you can see from the photos, that’s more than enough to play a movie on one part and use the rest as a digital corkboard full of weather reports, stock tickers, music players, browsers and whatever else you might toss around a desktop.
Interested? We peeked at the parts list and just the projectors and screen came to $72,500 – not to mention the computer driving it all or the labor costs. And there was plenty of labor on this one. CEDIA reps claimed it took nearly a year to bring the screen from concept to fruition.