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All Baobab Tree locations in Tales of Kenzera

Zau wall jumps between red vines in Tales of Kenzera: Zau.

While it wasn’t marketed as being a particularly punishing game, Tales of Kenzera: Zau is by no means easy. You will have plenty of environmental challenges that can instantly sap your life, and the enemies you face — especially the bosses — are no slouches. When you first begin, it will only take a couple of bad hits to send Zau to the land of the dead himself. Alongside the Trinkets you can unlock through hidden challenges around the map, there are also Baobab Trees where Zau can stop to reflect on his journey thus far, have a short dialogue with Kalunga, and get a small addition to his health bar. Like everything in the game, these trees aren’t prohibitively hidden, but you could easily pass one by and have no idea where it was when trying to backtrack. These are all the Baobab Tree locations so you can max out your health bar.

All Baobab Tree locations

There are six Baobab Trees to find in Tales of Kenzera: Zau and each adds a small segment of health to your total. When you collect them all, you will roughly double your HP bar. Here are each of their locations in the rough order you should naturally find them in. Most can be picked up on your first time through that area.

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A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

This one is very hard to miss as it is directly on your critical path. If you do, you can fast travel to the nearby campfire to grab it.

The Great Cliffs

A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

Once you are at the summit of The Great Cliffs, take a left instead of right to find this tree.

Mount Itshoka

A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

This tree is the first you can reach early in a stage instead of toward the end by taking a right after the initial segment.

The Searing Sands

A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

From the upper Campfire, just go right to find the tree and a Workbench.

The Wildwood

A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

You will have to come back to get this tree once you get the ability to throw fire spears, but the Campfire is very close.

The Drowning Swamps

A map screen in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU.

You also have to wait to reach this Baobab Tree, this time until you can break down the red block standing in your way.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
All Map Fragment locations in Shadow of the Erdtree
The golden Erdtree in Shadow of the Erdtree.

What made the experience of Elden Ring so special was how it handled its open-world design. There was a bit of concern about FromSoftware combining the Souls-style combat and map design into an open world, but the result has become one of the most celebrated examples of how open-world design should be done. So, needless to say, everyone was itching for that map to get expanded with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Land of Shadows is a separate new zone added to the game, but it is far larger and more dense than anyone anticipated. As it was in the base game, just exploring the map won't uncover the map for you. To do that, you need to find Map Fragments hidden around the world. There are five to collect to fully reveal the Land of Shadows, so go get them first to get a good lay of the land early.
All Map Fragment locations
As mentioned, there are five Map Fragments in total that correspond to five areas in Shadow of the Erdtree. We'll go through them in the general order you should come across them.
Gravesite Plain

The first area you start in when beginning Shadow of the Erdtree is the Gravesite Plain. Simply ride forward across the field toward the pillar beside the road to collect it.
Scadu Altus

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All Medallion locations in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3
Ringleader scarr on a car in Fortnite.

A new season of Fortnite means a new cast of bosses with unique items to obtain. This season, your reward for besting the new Mad Max-inspired bosses is Medallions. These items, which first appeared in Season 1, grant your character some of the best buffs in the game. Unlike previous seasons, this time there are only three new bosses, and thus three Medallions to find and equip during a match. The only way to get them is to locate the bosses and manage to take them down. We can't help you in the fight itself, but can at least show you where to go and what each Medallion does.
All Medallion locations

The three bosses this season are Ringmaster Scarr, The Machinist, and Megalo Don. Each one appears in a different POI on the map and drops a unique Medallion.
Ringmaster Scarr
Scarr is found in the Nitrodome near the center of the map toward the south. She drops the Ringmaster's Medallion, which grants you unlimited ammo and a minor damage boost.
The Mechanist
Down near the south coast and slightly east is the Redline Rig POI, which is The Mechanist's lair. His Medallion will allow your shield to regenerate over time.
Megalo Don
The big bad of the season, and the most difficult boss of the trio, is Megalo Don. You can find him in the Brutal Beachhed POI, which is the giant ship beached far to the south and west of Redline Rig. If you manage to take this boss down you can get his Medallion, which gives your character, and by extension your vehicle, infinite Nitro.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II: all Lorestangir locations
Senua in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

Senua's journey through Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is mostly a linear one meant to keep you fully engaged with the story and characters. However, there are a few reasons to look for side paths and hidden areas during your travels, and those include the Lorestangirs. These tall totems are one of two main collectibles in the game and each tells a small piece of lore about the world of Senua. Like with any collectible in games, finding them all earns you an Achievement, but they can be very will hidden in this beautiful world. To make sure you get the full picture of Hellblade 2, here are all the Lorestangir locations.
All Lorestangir locations
Hellblade 2 has 18 Lorestangirs to interact with to earn the "Tales of Midgard" achievement. Upon finding one, you will need to focus on it to activate it and light up the corresponding rune so you can add it to your tracker on the chapter select screen. You don't have to find them all in a single playthrough, however, and can use chapter select to collect any you missed the first time through.
Chapter 1 Lorestangirs

There's only one Lorestangir in Chapter 1 and is almost unmissable. After climbing the rocks from the beach, you will follow a path leading straight to it.
Chapter 2 Lorestangirs
We have four collectibles to get in this chapter.

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