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How to drive in the snow

Driving in the snow isn't nearly as scary or as dangerous as it sounds if you take a few basic precautions.

The future of self-driving cars

behind the wheel episode 3 65 vw bug rusty featured

Behind the Wheel episode 3: Tim Walbridge’s ’65 Volkswagen Bug named Rusty

behind the wheel episode 1 martell webster tesla model x

Behind the Wheel episode 1: Martell Webster’s Tesla Model X

behind the wheel episode 4 martell webster ferrari 458 spider  ep 00 06 50 still001

Behind the Wheel episode 4: Ex-NBA star Martell Webster’s Ferrari 458 Spider

behind the wheel luke spiller episode 5 48 ford convertible  ep 4 ferrari 458 00 12 21 27 still006

Behind the Wheel episode 5: Brit rocker takes a spin in a ’48 Ford convertible

behind the wheel episode 2 john oates porsche gt3rs  ep 00 39 16 still001

Behind the Wheel episode 2: Musician John Oates drives the Porsche GT3RS

autonomous cars self driving ces 2018 00 09 10 still056

At CES 2018, autonomous cars took the wheel and drove into the future

Ally Bank CES booth interview

Millennials still buy cars, says Ally Bank — they’re just doing it differently

russian automaker volga hides tetris in trip computer with easter egg

Watch a man unlock a Tetris Easter egg on the dashboard display of a Volga

best cars from 2017 new york auto show ny 17 video wrap

Conservatism be damned, the New York Auto Show was a celebration of extremes

Skype for Business meeting list in car

In AT&T’s smart city future, cars talk to each other and play nice

pioneer self driving tech ces 2017 pioneerwithjuan

Watch: Pioneer says truly self-driving cars are still 30-40 years away

We chatted with Pioneer vice president Ted Cardenas about the future of our vehicles, particularly when it comes to self-driving technology.
interview with fords autonomous vehicle leader jim mcbride ces 2017 fordinterview booth feat

Interview: Ford’s Jim McBride talks driverless cars, autonomous safety, and more

At CES 2017, Digital Trends had the unique opportunity to interview Jim McBride, Ford’s Technical Leader for Autonomous Vehicles.
MTTS 2016

We drove across the country with a 900-strong mob of Minis

MINI Takes The States is a cross-country road rally that invites owners from all corners of the U.S. to join in a group effort to raise meals for hungry Americans. The 2016 MTTS event started in Atlanta, Georgia and ended in Palm Springs, California.
Superformance Ford GT40

Ride along in a replica GT40, the ’60s supercar that still drops jaws

Ford’s GT40 race car dominated Le Mans in the 1960s, and now Superformance has given the car new life as a gorgeous, powerful continuation project.
intelliboost rg600 review intelliboost02

Like a Swiss Army Knife for your car, the Intelliboost RG600 can jumpstart a dead battery or inflate a flat tire

The IntelliBoost RG600 by Rugged Geek is a compact lithium ion battery that you can use to jump start your car, inflate a flat tire, and have charge to spare to charge your phone or a laptop.
marshawn lynch helps with car of the year video

A candid Marshawn Lynch talks frunks, Chick-fil-A and Tesla’s front seat

Retired NFL running back Marshawn Lynch lent his talents in our selection of the 2016 Car of the Year awards and shed some light on what he's like off the field.
2016 car awards track day huracn amg gt s 350r video

Thrashing a Huracán, AMG GT S and GT 350R on track day of DT’s 2016 Car Awards

We pitted the Lamborghini Huracan, AMG GT S and Mustang GT 350R against one another in a track battle royale for the Performance Car category of the 2016 Digital Trends Car Awards.
samsung connect auto car dongle version 1456035471 obd installation

Samsung’s Connect Auto dongle gives you and nine passengers in-car 4G Wi-Fi

The Samsung Connect Auto plugs into your car's OBD-II port and provides data on eco driving, safety, and maintenance. It's also a Wi-Fi hotspot.
ces 2010 video navteq shows off lidar based 3d street mapping thumbnail nav

CES 2010 Video – Navteq Shows Off LIDAR-based 3D Street Mapping

Navteq’s new laser-based street mapping makes Google Street View look antiquated.

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