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Windows 8 features explained: What’s new and how it works

Microsoft has taken the lid off of Windows 8, a radical departure from the last 15 years of Windows operating systems. We go in depth and dissect everything we've learned about Microsoft's gamble thus far.
Windows 8 Start Screen

Microsoft officially unveils Windows 8

Microsoft takes a touch-centric approach to computing with its forthcoming Windows 8 operating system.
Windows 8

Acer: Microsoft’s Windows 8 tablet restrictions “troublesome”

Microsoft wants Windows 8 tablet chipmakers and hardware makers to form one-to-one alliances - a move Acer finds "troublesome."

Microsoft CEO: Windows 8 due in 2012

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in Tokyo on Monday that the next version of the Windows operating system will be called Windows 8 and that it will become available in 2012.

Intel comments on Windows 8 were ‘factually inaccurate,’ Microsoft says

Microsoft calls Intel claims about Windows 8's multiple versions and lack of ARM support for legacy apps "factually inaccurate and unfortunately misleading."
Windows 8

Windows 8 for ARM won’t run existing Windows software

The head of Intel's software business says Microsoft plans multiple versions of Windows for ARM processors...and none will run existing Windows software.

Microsoft buys Skype for $8.5 billion

Microsoft announced today that it has purchased Skype for $8.5 billion and plans to create a new division for the voice service.

Windows 8 to do away with the Blue Screen of Death?

A Windows 8 screenshot reveals that Microsoft's famed Blue Screen of Death may be replaced in the new operating system by a Black Screen of Death.

Windows 8 gets a new task manager and USB booting

Windows 8 leaked builds are all over the Web. The newest discoveries: the OS will have a revamped Task Manager and a way to boot Windows from USB.
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ARM wrestling: Microsoft’s big bet on Windows 8

Microsoft’s new emphasis on ARM architecture in Windows 8 and IE 10 speed may indicate a new strategy for dealing aggressors like Google and Apple.
Gigabyte S1010 Windows tablet

Gigabyte planning dual-boot Windows/Android tablets

Hoping for the best of two worlds in one tablet? Gigabyte says its tablet plans include a model that can dual-boot Windows and Android.

Windows 8 leaked ‘Immersive’ mode shows Windows Phone influence

Microsoft is keeping a tight lid on Windows 8, but not tight enough. Today a screenshot showing a Windows Phone-like UI has leaked.

Windows 8 to feature the Ribbon UI in Windows Explorer

New screenshots of Windows 8 have leaked showing the return of the Ribbon UI Microsoft has been using in Office programs like Word and Excel since 2007. All Windows 8 Explorer windows may come loaded with it, for better or worse.

Microsoft exec thinks tablets may be a fad, talks of new laser retina display

Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer, Craig Mundie, spoke about the future he sees for portable devices, mobile devices, and tablets. And he takes time to tell us about a new laser retina display that can make a mobile screen look as big as an HDTV.
Windows 8

Report: Windows 8 seeds being sent to PC makers

A report says Microsoft is already sending early versions of Windows 8 to PC makers so they can get ready for an expected launch in 2012.
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Death of the mouse: How eye-tracking technology could save the PC

First it was the mouse, then touch control, then motion. On Friday, we got our hands on Tobii's new eye-tracking laptop, which could potentially eliminate the need for the mouse by keeping tabs on what you're looking at with astounding accuracy.
eight windows 8 features that could save microsoft thumb

Eight Windows 8 features that could save Microsoft

With Microsoft's mobile platform flailing and the "post-PC" age setting in, the company needs a winner to keep its empire intact. Here are the innovative features Windows 8 will need to keep its desktop OS relevant.

Windows 8 screenshots leak

The first look at Windows 8 is a mild one, but it may have to hold you over until June.
10 technologies that will define 2011 windows 8

Report: Microsoft won’t release Windows for tablets until 2012

A new report indicates Microsoft will begin public tests for a tablet-ready Windows operating system by the end of 2011, gearing up for a 2012 launch.

Leaked Dell road maps show next-gen smartphones, tablets on the horizon

Some allegedly reliable sources have leaked internal Dell documents laying out plans for its coming smartphone and tablet products.
Samsung SUR40

Imagining Windows 8: Embedded Xbox, Kinect, and Surface

Drawing technologies from across Microsoft’s many divisions could make Windows 8 the most drastically improved version of the OS yet.

Microsoft updates Kinect, offers sneak peak of Windows 8 running on mobile hardware

Microsoft's CES 2011 keynote with Steve Ballmer brought word of improvements to Kinect and even an early preview of Windows 8 that could drastically change the course of the OS.

Intel finally debuts Sandy Bridge core processors, Intel Insider

Intel's CES 2011 press conference brought the long-awaited launch of Sandy Bridge processors, Intel Insider for HD movies on PCs, and some interesting toys on the way.
10 technologies that will define 2011 tech thumb

10 technologies that will define 2011

Rob Enderle looks into his crystal ball for the technologies that will shape the year ahead, from the blossoming of 4G and the personal cloud to outdoor-viewable displays and new mobile technology from AMD.

Analyst warns Microsoft needs tablet to compete with iPad, or else

After failing to create much buzz in the tablet space this year, one analyst warns that Microsoft may be in for a dismal 2011 unless it can concoct an iPad challenger.
microsofts windows 8 planning leaked windowsette slide leak  june 2010

Microsoft’s Windows 8 Planning Leaked?

A set of unauthenticated slides show Microsoft pondering a more touch-based Windows operating system, faster boot and wake times...and a Windows app store.

Microsoft Tags Windows 8 as “Windows.Next,” Thinks Its Revolutionary

Don't expect more of the same with Windows 8, Microsoft claims.