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Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk stands in front of the newly unveiled all-electric battery-powered Tesla's Cybertruck

Elon’s Cybertruck smash and more: The biggest on-stage screwups in tech history

It’s a brave person who steps onto a stage to show off a new piece of tech. When it goes wrong, it can go spectacularly wrong, leading the incident itself to become the star of the show.
Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk stands in front of the newly unveiled all-electric battery-powered Tesla's Cybertruck

Six theories on why the Cybertruck’s bulletproof glass cracked so easily

Elon Musk smashing two of the windows of Tesla's divisive pickup, the Cybertruck, was the most commented-upon moment of the futuristic vehicle's unveiling. But why did the armor glass windows let him down? Here are several theories which might explain the breaks heard around the world.
cecilia bitz sea ice polar bear unsplash

Dr. Cecilia Bitz tracks sea ice as it disappears at unprecedented levels

Dr. Cecilia Bitz is an atmospheric scientist who studies sea ice. She's watched it melt and retreat in the Arctic Ocean and knows the trend is harmful for the planet. Melting ice is part of a climate change feedback loop that's causing big problems for polar bears, Native Alaskans, and others.
smart health tracking toilet of the future feat

Straight flush: How next-gen smart toilets could revolutionize health tracking

Smart toilets may sound like a weird gimmicky novelty. However, they could turn out to be the health-tracking revolution that people have waited for. Here's why smart toilets could prove to be the internet-connected device that might one day just happen to save your life.
how ai can address climate crisis visualizing change street feat

Here’s an A.I. preview of what climate change will do to your neighborhood

Researchers are using machine learning to help the public visualize the impact of climate change and inform policymakers on what to do.
A rendering of Mars 2020 rover, to be launched on its journey to Mars next year.

Meet the robotic pioneers that will help humanity colonize Mars

The race to populate Mars is on. But before humans can visit the red planet, we need to send out robot scouts to see the lay of the land. The next generation of Martian robotics will use sophisticated AI, novel propulsion methods, and flexible smallsats to meet the challenges of colonizing a new world.
hawaii telescope

SpaceX’s Starlink project poses an existential threat to astronomy

There could very well soon be more satellites visible in the night sky than stars. That's a major problem for astronomy, one leading astrophysicist told Digital Trends. Here's why it's a big problem -- and what he thinks the United Nations should consider doing about it.
mit algorithm predict drivers personality car driver behind wheel

MIT is teaching self-driving cars how to psychoanalyze humans on the road

MIT CSAIL researchers have developed an algorithm for self-driving cars that aims to predict human drivers' personalities, determining whether they're selfless or selfish. In the process, they hope that it will help autonomous vehicles to more safely drive among them. Here's how it works.
looking glass 8k story behind the feat

This mind-blowing 8K holographic display makes 3D look awesome again

Bored of flat TVs? Looking Glass Factory has created the world’s first 8K holographic display: an astonishing 33.2 million pixel beast capable of throwing out images that literally seem to pop out of the screen. For its creators, its the latest step in a dream dating back 30 years.
new collaborative robots human machine davinci surgical system at magdeburg university hospital

Robot overlords? More like co-verlords. The future is human-robot collaboration

Forget stealing our jobs; the next frontier of robotics is going to help humans by allowing them to carry out a whole host of tasks remotely -- whether it's maintenance or even surgery. Here's why it could prove to be such a major game changer for a whole lot of people.
A scene from Blade Runner.

What Blade Runner got right (and wrong) about 2019

1982's Blade Runner is rightly considered a masterpiece among science fiction movies. But how accurate were its predictions about the future? With November 2019 being the far-flung month and year in which the movie is set, here’s what the movie got right and, in one case, very wrong.
Echo Alexa

Your Alexa speaker can be hacked with malicious audio tracks. And lasers.

Smart speakers are awesome. But they're also subject to some pretty terrifying vulnerabilities, as two recent proof-of-concept demonstrations show. Whether it's adversarial sound attacks or laser hacks, here are two ways researchers have found to exploit smart speaker weaknesses.
drone and rover wpi landmine project mjb 1464 landminerobot may1

Drone and rover tag teams could help solve the world’s deadly land mine problem

Roughly 20,000 people are maimed or killed each year due to land mines; the vast majority being civilians in parts of the world subject to ongoing conflict. Could a tag team of autonomous robots help solve the problem? Roboticists from Worcester Polytechnic Institute think so.
Data stored on DNA synthetic polymer | 5D Memory Crystal

DNA, laser-etched glass, and beyond: A peek into the future of data storage

Data has a problem. Simply put: We produce way too much of it, and storing it is becoming an issue. But pioneering researchers are exploring futuristic ways of solving our data problem once and for all. From 5D optical storage to embedding data in DNA, here are some of their ideas.
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NASA astronomers think this interstellar comet is carrying alien water

A team of astronomers at NASA think they might have found water from another planetary system on an interstellar comet. If they’re correct, this would be the first time in human history that water hailing from another planetary system has been found within our solar system.
seed auggi quantify your poop nicole honeywill sincerely media xjnjn1ersek unsplash

This startup wants you to submit pictures of your poop. Lots of them, in fact

Sending pictures of your poop over the internet sounds like the kind of thing that should be discouraged. The creators of the new #giveashit campaign think different, however. Not only do they want your poop photos; they plan to use them to train a new feces-analyzing A.I.
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Inside the outrageously ambitious plan to scan the entire Earth with lidar

The Earth Archive is an ambitious new project that hopes to scan planet Earth in full 3D using the technology which helps self-driving cars make sense of the world around them. Here's why its creators believe that this is such an important mission -- and why time is running out.
security robot knightscope k5

Dear robots: If you come to steal our jobs, please take these ones first

Over the coming decades, it’s likely that huge numbers of other jobs will be replaced thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and robotics. But are there jobs we should specifically try and automate away for the good of humankind? Here are some which fit the bill.
Space Debris

We’re slowly trapping ourselves under an umbrella of space junk

Kessler Syndrome is a scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascading effect that ultimately traps humanity beneath a ceiling of space junk. We spoke to the man who coined the term.
dont fear the robot automation threat overblown bmw arm

Robots aren’t coming to steal your job. They’re coming to improve it

Paul Daugherty, chief technology an innovation officer at Accenture, thinks it’s neither inevitable nor likely that machines will ultimately replace humans in the workforce
ai autonomous mayflower ship mayfloweribm2

400 years after the Mayflower voyage, this A.I. ship will retrace its path

Four-hundred years ago next fall, a ship called the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England, to the New World, aka America. To mark the anniversary, an IBM-powered autonomous ship is getting ready to retrace the voyage. Here's how it came to be, and what makes it so exciting.
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Machines are getting freakishly good at recognizing human emotions

In certain scenarios, A.I. algorithms can outperform humans at identifying certain emotions, such as happiness and sadness, by looking at faces. Here is why that matters -- and what it means for the way that we will interact with machines (and vice versa) in the future.
Prometeo being attached to a firefighter's arm

IBM contest winners answer call by developing lifesaving tech for firefighters

Could smart sensor technology help make firefighters’ jobs a bit less dangerous? That’s the hope of Prometeo, a Spanish team that was announced as the winners of IBM’s Call for Code 2019 competition. Here's what the team has developed -- and how it promises to help.
how tech changed major league baseball houston astros v toronto blue jays

From iPads to Apple Watches, tech has changed Major League Baseball forever

In recent years, MLB has taken a more modern approach to its game and adopted technology to help usher in a tech-savvy era of America's pastime. While in many cases tech has been used for good, it can also lead to new ways of cheating, causing players and coaches to become increasingly paranoid.
amazon eyes streaming industry spotify should be alarmed headphones music podcasts lifestyle

This ad blocker for audio is a peek into the future of ‘perceptual ad blockers’

Adblock Radio is a new artificial intelligence tool, similar to music-recognizing app Shazam, which uses machine learning to spot audio ads so users can skip them. Welcome to the exciting new world of perceptual ad-blockers. Here's why they must turn out to be necessary.
toro y moi and endel talk the future of music digital wellness toroymoi getty

How Endel and Toro y Moi are shaping the future of music and digital wellness

Playlists to focus, sleep, and relax are booming on streaming platforms. Similarly, a host of smart home products aim to affect your wellbeing in similar ways. Endel has a vision to unify these in a way that's always unique to you. Companies like Apple and Warner Music, as well as Toro y Moi see it too.
auxuman ai album yona twitter

A.I. musicians are a growing trend. What does that mean for the music industry?

The most prolific musical artists manage to release one or two studio albums in a year. A.I. company Auxuman plans to put out a new full-length album every single month. Welcome to the world of machine creativity. Here's why Auxuman's founder is so confident he's onto a winner.
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Why is it still so hard to land on the moon?

Two missions from SpaceIL and the Indian Space Research Organization both failed to land craft on the moon this year. Fifty years after Apollo, we spoke to two space experts to understand why are lunar landings still so challenging.
world food programme building blocks iris scanning blockchain foodfight cold hubs

Earth has a food waste problem. Can giant, solar-powered refrigerators help?

There’s a problem with food waste in developing countries that can’t be fixed by buying a fridge. Farmer Nnaemeka C. Ikegwuonu created ColdHubs, solar-powered rooms that extend the shelf life of produce. With the potential to reduce food waste worldwide, places in Africa are already reaping the benefits.
world food programme building blocks iris scanning blockchain foodfight

Thanks to iris scanning, refugees can get the food they need at a glance

For humanitarian organizations trying to deliver aid to refugees, the lack of identification can be a quagmire. The United Nations' World Food Programme has deployed a technological solution, using iris scanning and Blockchain to help refugees get food quickly and easily.
world food programme building blocks iris scanning blockchain foodfight drone harvest

Waiting in the wings: How drones are revolutionizing the battle against hunger

How do you use drones to save lives following a disaster? The World Food Programme, the food-assistance branch of the United Nations, is doing its bit to use drone technology to help humanity. Here are some of the ways that it is using unmanned aerial vehicles right now.
world food programme building blocks iris scanning blockchain foodfight hydroponics

No soil? No problem. H2Grow can cultivate crops practically anywhere

Through tailor-made hydroponic systems, H2Grow aims to solve hunger in arid regions and help vulnerable communities become more self-reliant by securing food resources. H2Grow, a project from the United Nations World Food Programme, is helping crops flourish in unexpected places.
earecho ear canal biometrics scanning headphones

Forget fingerprints. These headphones can scan your ear canal for identification

Move over Face ID! The future of biometric security systems will use earbuds to map your inner ear. It sounds crazy, but the State University of New York at Buffalo's new EarEcho technology could actually turn out to be pretty darn useful. Here's why this wacky new biometric tech is exciting.
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New algae-based bioreactor can swallow carbon dioxide 400x faster than trees

A.I. startup Hypergiant Industries has developed a prototype algae bioreactor which promises to be 400 times more efficient than trees at sucking carbon dioxide out of the air. Here's why it could turn out to be such a game-changer when it comes to battling climate change.