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Orange? Okra? Onion? Google releases Android ‘O’ OS update to developers

What goes well with Nougat?

Google has given Android OS developers an early Easter egg with the release of the Android “O” developer preview. The release comes a couple months before Google’s big annual developer conference, and if you want in on the fun, we have a step-by-step guide to getting version “O” on your Android device. The release is the next version of Android after N-for-Nougat.

Quick note of caution here: this is a very beta release and is not something for amateurs to try and install. Hit this link for more information and the instructions on how to load it up on your device.

We got your Bitcoins right over here…

Hackers say they’ve rounded up access assets for some 300 million Apple iCloud accounts, and they’d like $75,000 in Bitcoin or $100,000 in iTunes credits to keep it off the interwebs. Apple’s response? Don’t hold your breath.

The hackers, who have identified themselves as the “Turkish Crime Family,” posted a video showing them accessing an iCloud account, but that wasn’t enough to move Apple to pay the ransom as Mac Rumors says Apple has requested a look at the data set to see if the claims are real. So far, there’s no word on if that has happened. So, $75,000 or $100,000 in iTunes gift cards? I’m sure Apple would never be able to tell where those downloads are going.

It even tells time

Smartwatches are still struggling to gain a foothold – and make economic sense – in the tech world, but the latest offering from China’s Huawei, the Huawei Watch 2 Sport, is packing enough practical usefulness and polish to possibly change a few more minds. The $350 Sport runs on Android Wear 2.0, and combines comfort, an array of sensors and loads of capability into a stylish package. DT’s Julian Chokkattu has a full review here.

We’ve got more news on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, and be sure to tune in to this week’s DT podcasts: Close to the Metal (computers and such) on Tuesday, Trends with Benefits (general tech shenanigans)  on Thursdays, and Between the Streams (movie and TV topics) every Friday.

Bill Roberson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
I focus on producing Digital Trends' 'DT Daily' video news program along with photographing items we get in for review. I…
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