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The best weapons in Armored Core 6

Time to load up for your next mission, merc. Your mech is your real character in Armored Core 6, and the different components you attach to it can completely change how it functions. There are different legs, cores, and all types of ways to change up your mech, but the most immediate and important has to be your weapon loadout. These can range from melee weapons and shotguns to massive missile launchers and Gatling guns. Since your mech can hold weapons in both hands and on each shoulder, there’s a lot of room to experiment and give yourself options. Still, weapons aren’t cheap and credits aren’t always easy to come by as a gun for hire, so here are the best weapons in Armored Core 6 to invest in first.

Best Armored Core 6 weapons

A mech flying in the air shooting missiles at another mech.
Bandai Namco Entertainment

Vvvc-774LS Laser Slicer

Let’s begin with a melee weapon, which is far more useful in a game with rifles and lasers than you might expect. This is great for cleaving through mobs of smaller enemies thanks to its wide attack range and the fact that each swing counts as two hits. With an attack power of 1,615, that’s a lot of damage coming out very fast — and that’s not even considering the ability to charge it up while advancing. It is on the heavier side for its class, and takes a while to “reload,” but is a perfect way to get some breathing room if you get swarmed.

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VP-60LCS Laser Cannon

If you need an early shoulder-mounted laser weapon, the VP-60LCS is a great one you can pick up in Chapter 1. They do decent damage, but the real usefulness comes in their staggering ability. Their rate of fire is essentially as fast as you can pull the trigger, and without a need to reload, you can rely on them whenever you need to so long as you don’t overheat.

DF-GA-08-HU-BEN Gatling Gun

Sometimes we just want to hold down the trigger and make our problems go away. That’s what Gatling guns are for, and this one ranks among the best. Each round will obviously do little damage, but with 1,300 rounds to chew through, not much can hold out against its sustained fire. Having one or two of these in your hands to follow up after stunning enemies with a laser weapon results in the perfect combo.

Songbirds Grenade Cannon

You won’t have access to heavy explosives like the Songbirds until around midway into the game, but it is a must-buy as soon as you can. As you would expect, these explosives deal a ton of impact damage that has a decent area of effect if you’re firing near a group. As a cherry on top, the grenades also inflict a high amount of stagger, so they’re quite useful against bosses as well.

BML-G1/P07VTC-12 Vertical Missile Launcher

We couldn’t close out a list of best weapons without a missile launcher, could we? For your money, this model is king. This shoulder-mounted weapon of mass destruction houses 12 missiles in its case that are ready to track your targets down, even behind cover and around obstacles. Just lock on to up to a dozen targets and let the missiles do the work from there.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
How to unlock all weapons in Hades 2
Hades 2 key art from its first trailer.

Hades 2's Melinoë is a very different main character from the first game's Zagreus in terms of personality and in how she fights. Being a witch, magic is core to her moveset, but she still wields all sorts of new weapons. You won't find the standard sword or spear here, as she starts off with just a witch's staff . You'll need to unlock the rest in traditional roguelike fashion. Each item requires you to gather up different materials, but most have some overlap so you will need to be selective about which one you craft first. We're still in the early access period, but for now, here are all the Nocturnal Arms in the game and how you can unlock them.
How to unlock every Nocturnal Arm
Ignoring the Witch's Staff, which you start with, there are four additional weapons to unlock.
Sister Blades
These fast, close-range melee daggers are the easiest to unlock and cost one Silver.
Umbral Flames
This is a medium-range weapon that prioritizes magic and fire attacks for three Silver and three Cinder.
Moonstone Axe
The heavy Moonstone Axe is your big, but slow damage dealer. It will cost you 15 Silver to pick up, so you will need to save up a bit.
Argent Skull
This si an explosive casting weapon that won't be available to unlock until you reach a certain point in the game that we won't spoil here. It will cost you two Glassrock and one Bronze to make.

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Raider Power Armor

This is the only Power Armor in Fallout 4 that even a base-level player can wear right off the bat. While that's great, it does mean it's the weakest option out there. The best stats you can get with it are 500 damage resistance, 250 energy resistance, and 1,050 radiation resistance for a total rating of 1,800. It's great for the early game if you can snag one, but is quickly outclassed by everything else on this list. A guaranteed spawn for this armor is in the cave right beside Skylanes Flight 1665 on your map.
T-45 Power Armor

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Bethesda titles are massive, with tons of loot to acquire. From the fantasy series of Elder Scrolls VI, to the sci-fi world of the future in Starfield, the one thing they share is a wide range of weapons. In the wastelands of Fallout 4, and the new Fallout TV show, the weapons (and their cool names) are a major perk. Some weapons might give you an edge, but others feel as if they’re just for show.


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