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How to gain Inspiration Points in Baldur’s Gate 3

Just like the tabletop game it’s based on, Baldur’s Gate 3 runs off of dice rolls. Everything in the game, even if it isn’t shown to you, generally has a dice roll in the background that determines the outcome, from combat to conversations. When you are prompted to roll for a skill check, you will be shown a D20 with the minimum needed to succeed in that check, as well as any advantages or disadvantages your specific character has depending on the stat that roll is based on. On some rolls, you could have a high skill and add a few points to the die, making it easier to pass, while others will have negative modifiers, making it less likely you will pass. Failing a roll means, well, you don’t succeed in whatever you were attempting to do, but Inspiration Points can bail you out of a bad outcome provided you’ve earned them in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What Inspiration Points do

You can think of Inspiration Points as do-over points since you can spend them on any failed skill check to reroll the die and get another shot at passing it. Rerolling with an Inspiration Point does not guarantee your second roll will be successful, so if your odds are really bad, you will be just as likely to fail a second time as the first. These points aren’t very common, so don’t waste them on checks that are essentially impossible to pass.

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How to gain Inspiration Points

A description of how Inspiration works in Baldur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

Inspiration Points are directly tied to your character’s Background, which is different from your class or your race. While creating your character, you will pick a general origin for your character that colors their past and how they will treat and be treated by others. Not only should you pay attention to your own Background, but those of any companion you’re traveling with as well, since they can also earn Inspiration Points for you based on their Backgrounds. In both cases, this is done through what is known as Background Goals.

Background Goals are essentially a motivator for you to role-play your character the appropriate way. If you perform actions aligned with the Background you chose for your character, you can complete these goals and earn Inspiration Points. This makes it more efficient to have party members with the same Background as your character so that you can potentially earn more Inspiration Points at once. Note that you can only store up to four Inspiration Points at any time, so if you don’t use them, earning more will just be wasted.

Here are some examples of how to earn Inspiration Points for each of the 11 Backgrounds in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Acolytes are focused on serving the gods and doing things that show devotion to them. Some actions you can do are collecting religious treasures, performing rituals, and resurrecting fallen party members.


Charlatans are smooth talkers and prefer to use their logic and gift of gab rather than brute force. If you’re able to talk your way out of a situation or convince someone to follow your line of thinking by tricking them, you can earn some Inspiration Points.


You can probably guess what you should be doing as a Criminal to play the part. If something seems like it would be against the law, it’s probably what you want to do. Stealing, murder, and other criminal activities fit the bill.


This is a more unique one. As an Entertainer, you will be rewarded for, well, providing entertainment to NPCs. Whether it’s dancing or playing songs, or even rescuing pieces of art or other performers, if you’re able to get people to have a good time, then you’re doing a good job.

Folk Hero

This is your all-around good guy Background. Doing good deeds just for the sake of it, such as rescuing the innocent and saving people’s lives, will fulfill this role.

Guild Artisan

Guild Artisans are dedicated to their craft, whatever form that takes. If you’re a blacksmith repairing weaponry, an alchemist gathering ingredients, or a mechanic repairing broken machinery, there are various tasks you should be on the lookout for.


While not explicitly evil, a Noble will look out for themselves first and foremost. Whatever raises your social standing, whether it be amassing lots of gold, impressing other nobles, or recruiting loyal followers, will earn you Inspiration.


The Outlanders are all about surviving in nature. Anything that tests your survival skills out in the wilderness will be key, such as taming wild animals, passing survival skill checks, and avoiding traps.


With this intellectual Background, anything that quenches your character’s thirst for new knowledge and information should be sought out. Reading books, lore items, and solving puzzles will be your main ways to pursue this.


This is another simple one to grasp since Soldiers are really focused on being good fighters. There’s a bit more to it besides just defeating tons of enemies, though. You can also complete Background Goals by inspiring others to fight too.


Last up is the lowly Urchin. This role is based on being born and raised poor, and doing anything to get by. They are somewhat similar to the Criminal in that pickpocketing will be of benefit, but they also look out for others in their situation, so helping the innocent whenever possible, just like the Folk Hero, also applies.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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