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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is here, and this is what we think so far

We’re officially in “Day Zero” territory for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the first game in Activision’s venerable series produced with Sledgehammer Games as the lead developer. Reviews are starting to surface from those who have had extended time with the game, but we’re holding off until the end of launch week to give you a proper critique. It’s important to see how the game behaves in a “live” setting.

For now, we’ve managed to knock out the entire single player campaign and spend a handful of hours messing around with both Exo Survival, Advanced Warfare‘s new cooperative mode, and competitive multiplayer. How do these pieces stack up?

Related: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare review

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Let’s start with the campaign. As Call of Duty roller coaster rides go, this is a good one. In a series that survives by being reliable and never changing, Advanced Warfare‘s six to eight hour story mode feels like a fresh twist. Much like Black Ops II and Ghosts did in years past, Sledgehammer isn’t afraid to introduce new ideas. In a first for the series, these ideas bleed into the other modes as well, but we’ll get to all of that in a bit.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 5
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The story is as coherent as it’s been since the very first Modern Warfare waved smelling salts beneath the noses of World War II-fatigued gamers. Much like the 2007 release did to shake the series out of its Saving Private Ryan-induced funk, so too does Advanced Warfare come along with a confident step away from familiar, predominantly brown settings and convoluted war stories set in a convoluted modern world. Sledgehammer leans on simplicity: Go shoot the bad guys, and do it with style.

Related: What kind of monster computer machine will you need to run Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare?

Style matters in Advanced Warfare, though not for any concrete gameplay gains. You’re just compelled by the tools the game equips you with to make like a badass. The heart of this is the new Exo suit, a powered exoskeletal armor that allows you to jump higher, hit harder, and bring an assortment of other tools to bear on surviving the game’s constrained battlefields.

The story is as coherent as it’s been since the first Modern Warfare waved smelling salts beneath the noses of WWII-fatigued gamers.

The familiar constraints are eased in Advanced Warfare. For every sequence that sticks to a pre-ordained script — sneaking through a moon-lit forest under the cover of cloaking technology, raining hell on an enemy force from the cockpit of an attack fighter, that sort of thing — there’s another that kicks down the doors and opens things up. We’ve seen wide open Call of Duty battlefields before, but Exo abilities make them feel bigger somehow, more like the lethal playgrounds the series has always aimed to capture.

There’s a brand new upgrade system that rewards players for reaching body count, headshot, grenade kill, and intel (collectibles) milestones with points to spend in a simple upgrade tree. These amount to stat boosts, buffing everything from overall health to explosion resistance to reload speed. There’s choice in how you spend your points, and it really depends on your style of play. Like to wade into the mess with everyone else? Boost up that health. Prefer to hang back and snipe while the AI maintains the front lines? Invest in recoil reduction.

More game-changing abilities, like the much-talked-about boost jumps, are defined by the overall purpose of whichever Exo suit you’re wearing in a given mission (it’s a scripted thing). The aforementioned forest creep kits you out with a sweet cloaking device, but limits the enhanced mobility that other suits enjoy. A couple of scenarios set you up with a handy grappling hook, used not just for traversal but also for stealth kills and quick, one-hit mech takedowns that drag pilots out of their powered “Goliath” suits, but limit your warrior tools in other ways.

The result is a varied campaign experience, moreso than it has been in a very long time. The pace is just right, alternating between traditional (yet still Exo-enhanced) run-and-gun warfare and a range of other activities where you’re given special tools that suit the situation. Sometimes it’s an Exo that allows you to make yourself invisible, and other times it’s a tank equipped with armor-denting explosive shells, swarm rockets, and EMP blasts.

As much as the campaign stands on its own as a Call of Duty thrill ride, the variety, particularly in the Exo abilities, serves equally well as training for Advanced Warfare‘s multiplayer. On the competitive side, boost and dash capabilities are standard for every player, with more unusual functions reserved for a special slot in the Create-a-Class menu.

Related: Here’s our first hands-on with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare‘s multiplayer

The result is a dramatic shift in the way Call of Duty’s multiplayer feels. There’s an easy point of comparison in Titanfall, with Respawn Entertainment’s high-flying, parkour-inspired traversal feeding into the same spectrum of entertainment that Advanced Warfare‘s Exo suits. The latter feels more grounded in the known world. These aren’t Pilots, they’re soldiers. They don’t run on walls, and they don’t (often) summon towering mechs down from the heavens. Sure, they jump a lot higher than they have before, but there’s no hang time. For all of the enhanced mobility, much of this latest Call of Duty’s gunplay still plays out on the ground.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 1
Image used with permission by copyright holder

And that’s fine. Changes to the multiplayer create a shift in the flow of the action, but it’s not so dramatic that this feels like a different game. There’s a definite learning curve, and likely a frustrating one for most since the same servers that host Joe and Jane Gamer are also the training grounds for a growing eSports community. Though it’s apparent even after just a few rounds that the speed and immediacy of Call of Duty multiplayer is intact in Advanced Warfare.

Finally, Exo Survival should be immediately familiar to anyone that enjoyed Modern Warfare 3‘s similar mode. It’s wave-based survival gameplay for up to four players, with currency points earned during each round spent on upgrading gear and — fittingly — Exo abilities. It’s a challenging hold-the-line type of scenario that favors teams capable of working together and rallying around a single, defendable point.

In a blockbuster series like this, there are good games and there are bad games. This happens to be a good one.

Though Exo Survival mixes things up by introducing objective rounds that give squads one of several tasks like collecting all the dog tags that appear, searching enemy corpses for intel — that sort of thing. Complete the objective and you’re all good, and go to the next round. Fail, and you’ll have to deal with some horrible disadvantage when the next wave approaches. Maybe your primary weapons jam, relegating everyone to pistols only, or maybe your whole Exo suit system is hacked … at which point you might as well pack it all in, because the screen distortions are nigh impossible to play through.

We’ve still got a ways to go with  Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, but if you’re looking for a kneejerk summation: It’s great. Yes, it’s undeniably Call of Duty. A few tweaks to movement and an arsenal of future-world weapons doesn’t change the basic style of play to the point that it’s going to usher in a whole new audience of fans.

But is that ever the point with a Call of Duty game? In a blockbuster series where iteration generally trumps evolution, there are good ones and there are bad ones. This happens to be a good one. Go get it, fanfolk. More to come on Friday.

Adam Rosenberg
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Previously, Adam worked in the games press as a freelance writer and critic for a range of outlets, including Digital Trends…
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A screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's zombies mode.

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Best Perk-A-Colas in Black Ops 6

We're ranking these Perk-A-Colas based on their base bonuses, not any additional effects you can get if you Augment them, from best to worst.
You can never go wrong with the classic Jugger-Nog. Increasing your health by 100 is useful for the entire duration of a Zombies mode, but especially in the early rounds. Going down is at best a major setback and at worst a cascade into defeat. This extra health allows you to get out of a bad situation that would otherwise end your run.
Quick Revive
This Perk has two components, with the less useful one being the ability to revive teammates 50% faster. Ideally, that shouldn't be needed but is nice. However, what makes it rank so high is the 50% shorter delay on health regen. Your health will come back over time in Zombies but at a dreadful pace. Starting to heal faster means less time running and kiting zombies around and more time in the action helping the team.
Speed Cola
The best early guns for Zombies mode have a large magazine, fast reload, or both. Running out of ammo at the wrong time and not being able to get more rounds in the chamber fast enough has ended many a run, but Speed Cola is the solution. It will speed up your reloads and armor plating by 30%. That's not a massive number, but fast enough to make the difference.
These zombies aren't the shambling types. They will chase you down like sprinters, and some of the monstrous ones can outpace you even at full tilt. Stamin-Up sounds like it would let you run for longer, but actually just lets you run faster since you have no limit on sprint in Black Ops 6. Positioning is everything in Zombies so being able to get where you need to be faster is never a bad thing, especially if it's a downed teammate bleeding out.
Deadshot Daiquiri
Every zombie has a weak spot, which is most often the head. Deadshot Daiquiri makes a critical hit hurt even more than normal, plus increases your auto-aim on those weak points when you aim down sights (ADS). That second part shouldn't factor much if you've got good aim, which is why this is only a decent Perk-A-Cola.
PhD Flopper
Not being able to hurt yourself is situationally useful, and the ability to cause an explosion by diving is a risky move. Yes, it's cool, but you don't want to be lying prone surrounded by zombies. This is a cool gimmick, but save yourself the Essence and skip it.
Elemental Pop
When Elemental Pop works, it's great. The problem with it is that you can't rely on it. It gives a small chance on every shot you take to add a random ammo mod effect, which is cool but impractical. If you have spare Essence on you, sure, it won't hurt you to have, but it isn't something that will turn the tide for you or your team.
Melee Macchiato
Finally, Melee Macchiato bottoms out the list. It is fine in the early game when the hordes are small and you're better off meleeing enemies since it will smack enemies away with each hit, but quickly drops off in usefulness. When the zombies get too strong and too numerous, you will need a lot more than a strong punch to deal with them and end up forgetting you even have it.

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