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Death’s Door: All shrine locations

As what is essentially the grim reaper, your little crow is going to be facing a lot of resistance in trying to escort the souls of the dead for the Ministry of Death when you’re sent to the land where not even death has power. This world of Death’s Door is full of strange and bizarre characters. A few are friendly, but most are looking to make sure you never collect another soul again. Your little crow is a fragile creature, with only a handful of weapons, some magic, and your own skill in dodging and attacking to keep them alive.

Thankfully, Death’s Door is a light RPG, which, in this case, means you can improve your base stats to help overcome the intense boss battles that await you. Instead of just getting stronger by earning XP by killing normal foes, you can only improve certain attributes by exploring the world and encountering special Crystal Shrines. There are a total of 16 shrines spread across the world, and they are split into two categories depending on what they do. The more of them you’re able to discover, the better chance you’ll have at surviving this deathly ordeal. Here are all the shrine locations in Death’s Door.

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What are the Crystal Shrines, and what do they do?

The crow encountering a large creature in a cemetery.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The two types of Crystal Shrines have similar appearances. These are giant, stone bird faces or something resembling a bird’s face with glowing eyes. As we mentioned, the 16 shrines you can find are broken up into two types: Green and pink shrines. Green shrines are the Vitality Crystal shrines, which will increase your health bar once you’ve collected four. Pink Crystals, again, once you have four, will increase your soul power, which is, of course, used for your bow, magic, and bombs as well. Doing some quick math, you can get an extra two notches to your HP and magic bars by finding every shrine hidden in the game.

All Vitality Crystal Shrines

Here’s the location for every Vitality Crystal Shrine.

Lost Cemetery shrines

There are two vitality shrines you can find in the Lost Cemetery zone. The first one you can get to from the Lost Cemetery door. Head south from the door, and use the ladders that take you up along the east side of the castle. Follow this path to the south until you hit an elevator you can ride, at which point, go left around the building and jump down the ledge. Enter the door to find your first shrine.

The second shrine in the Lost Cemetery can’t be reached until you’ve unlocked the Hookshot item. Once you’ve obtained it, head through the Grove of Spirits to the door that leads into the Lost Cemetery and use the Hookshot to traverse a pit to the north. Simply continue on this road until you hit the next shrine.

Estate of the Urn Witch shrine

Before going for this shrine, make sure you’ve unlocked the Fireball spell. From the Ceramic Manor, go southeast to the area where you had to fight a bunch of waves of mobs after the battle with the Black Iron Knight. Notice the four pots in the area, and hit each one with a fireball to light them. This will make a bridge appear that you can cross to an island with a hole you can drop down to find this next shrine.

Urn Witch’s Laboratory shrine

You’ll need your trusty bow for this next shrine. Start at the Inner Furnace Door and backtrack into the laboratory. Find the square platform with the docking points for the Bull Platform and shoot an arrow northeast to make the bull come in. Ride it back in the same direction it came from, and you can reach this shrine.

Overgrown Ruins shrine

Make your way to the Village in Overgrown Ruins and travel to the northeast and then turn west to find a grate you can go through. Simply follow this path right to this easy shrine.

Mushroom Dungeon shrine

Get your bombs ready for this shrine. In the Mushroom Dungeon, return to the flooded room where you were ambushed by waves of enemies. If you noticed the bomb-able wall here the first time, great. If not, it’s on the north side of this room. Blast it open, and use your fireball to light the torches inside to reveal the shrine.

Stranded Sailor shrine

This is another shrine you’ll need to have the Hookshot for. Go northwest from the Stranded Sailor Door to reach the docks. Use your Hookshot to cross over them, dealing with the enemies on the way to unlock a door to the north. Inside is this shrine.

Village of the Crows shrine

The final Vitality Crystal Shrine is in the Village of the Crows, which you should enter via the Old Watchtower Door. After exiting the elevator, you will see the sign pointing you toward the Frozen Canyon. Follow the sign, and you will encounter a timed platforming challenge. Manage to beat it, and the last shrine is yours.

All Magic Crystal Shrines

The crow standing outside a small house.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Next up, we’ll cover all eight Magical Crystal Shrines to give you more magic and ranged ammo.

Lost Cemetery shrine

Take your bombs to the northwest area of the Lost Cemetery, just before the caves that would take you to the Stranded Sailor. Take the smaller path to the left to a wall you can blow open. Enter the cave, and you’ll get your first magic shrine.

Estate of the Urn Witch shrine

Starting out at the Ceramic Manor’s front door, head west to a lone tree with some bushes to the north. Squeeze through a passage in the bushes to the hidden area with this shrine in it.

Ceramic Manor shrine

Again at the manor, only this time inside, go to the north side and find the bathroom where there are two invisible pots you can spot based on the reflections on the floor. Break them to reveal a door that will take your right to the shrine.

Overgrown Ruin shrines

Make your way to the village area, go west as far as you can, and find a small gap in the wall. It’s hidden, but once you squeeze through, you can drop down a small gap right to this shrine.

Flooded Fortress shrine

Have your bow and arrows ready at the entrance to the Flooded Fortress, where you encounter the moving platforms. Look for the doorway to the northeast from here and fire an arrow into it. This will cause new platforms to appear you can use to access a new area with this shrine.

Stranded Sailor shrine

After going through the Stranded Sailor door, head west up some stairs to the stone tower and break some icicles in your path to continue around the backside. Go down the ladder, then use your drop attack to break through a sewer cap. Head into the open hole, follow the pipe and hit up this shrine.

Castle Lockstone shrine

The final shrine is in Castle Lockstone. From the door, go west to the room with a ladder in it. You will have to smash some ice with your sword to access the ladder. Continue west, dropping down, to the room with a series of Hookshot targets, but look for the hole in the wall that is key-shaped and make your way over to it. Pull the lever beside it to open a gate on the other side of the room. Now, use your Hookshot to get over there and access your final magic shrine.

If you’ve gotten them all up to this point, your crow will be as powerful as they can get in Death’s Door. 

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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