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Where to find the Unmaking Arrow in Dragon’s Dogma 2

There are more secret items and mechanics in Dragon’s Dogma 2 than almost any other game. You can accidentally lose an entire town to the Dragonsplague or miss out on the true ending if you’re not paying close enough attention. That’s not to mention all the secret items and weapons in the world. One incredibly powerful but risky item is known as the Unmaking Arrow. This is the most powerful weapon in the game, but it comes with a very interesting caveat. Plus, there are only two known ways to get them, meaning you need to pick your targets very carefully. If you think you can handle the power of this arrow and the responsibility it brings, here is where you can find it.

Where to find the Unmaking Arrow

The unmaking arrow in Dragon's Dogma 2.

There are two known ways to get the Unmaking Arrow in Dragon’s Dogma 2 thus far. The first is to solve the Riddle of Recollection given to you by the Sphinx, which we have a full guide to walk you through.

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The second way to get one is to purchase it from the Way Bayside Shrine at the Dragonforged for eight Wyrmslife Crystals. You will go here as part of the main quest during “Flickering Shadows.”

How to use the Unmaking Arrow

So, what makes this arrow so special? It kills anything you hit with it in a single shot. Yes, any boss, monster, NPC, or anything with a life bar will die in one shot. Just make sure you are wielding a bow, equip the arrow, and don’t miss. That last part is important because not only are there only two in the game, but the game will automatically autosave the moment you fire it. Whether you hit your target or not, that shot is gone forever, and you will need to start a brand-new game to get it back. You may want to save one for the Gigantus boss since killing it with the Unmaking Arrow earns you a Trophy.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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