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Here’s everything Sony announced at its trailer-heavy E3 press conference

Updated 9:20PM 6/12/2017: Added a handful of trailers that were not immediately available after the press conference. 

Normally long-winded Sony barely made a peep during its press conference at E3 2017 on Monday evening. Rather than explaining titles, talking to developers, or screening a lot of gameplay videos, the brand just let the trailers roll almost uninterrupted for an hour, with a smattering of AAA titles, new indie games, and a handful of VR titles without much depth dominating the spotlight.

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Join us as we walk through every announcement made during the Sony press conference. And make sure to stay tuned to Digital Trends for continuing coverage on the ground at E3.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy – PS4 Story Trailer | E3 2017

Following in the footsteps of Sony’s incredibly popular Uncharted series, The Lost Legacy takes two characters from the main series and sends them on a new adventure in a dangerous location. It has everything players could want from an Uncharted game, with huge set pieces, dangerous locations, and of course, some good personal drama.

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds DLC - PS4 Trailer | E3 2017

The first significant downloadable content for Horizon Zero Dawn was also revealed this year, and it takes players into the snowy, unforgiving wilderness. It’s appropriately named The Frozen Wilds, and should add a nice amount of variety to the already impressive open-world game.

Days Gone

Days Gone | E3 2017 Trailer | PS4

In an expanded preview for the zombie motorcycle adventure announced last year, the Days Gone clip showed the protagonist, Deacon St. John, taking off from a refugee camp. On his travels, he discovers a pack of mutated dogs, and a pair of bandits attempt to rob him, but end up meeting a grim fate.

As Deacon infiltrates a camp, we see him struggling with environmental elements, including zombies hanging upside down but still moving, and throwing a bear trap as a distraction. The packs of zombies are a distinct contrast to the wild, natural scenes where the game largely takes place.

Though he acts brutally, it’s clear that Deacon’s priority is working through challenges without putting himself and his friends in danger. Running in guns blazing would attract a swarm, so he has to move quietly and use his environment to his advantage.

Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter: World Announcement Trailer

The newest Monster Hunter title takes to a dinosaur-infested island, where a warrior with a massive sword runs from — and brings in other monsters to tackle — fearsome beasts. Not much detail here outside of a lot of big monsters, but the trailer did indicate the game would land in early 2018.

Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus - PS4 Trailer | E3 2017

The original Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 2 still stands out as a game that redefined 3D gaming and scale while telling an amazing story. It should come as no surprise that Sony would trot it out again, and there was actually already a remaster for PS3, so this is a second revision. Still, it’s exciting to see it introduced to a new generation who didn’t experience it the first time.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Story Trailer 2

The original arcade stick-busting Marvel vs. Capcom may not still have wide appeal, but that’s not stopping the brands from rolling out another fighter mashing the two worlds together. A story demo is available starting Monday, with a full release on September 19.

Call of Duty: WWII

Official Call of Duty®: WWII – Multiplayer Reveal Trailer

We’ve heard bits and pieces about the new Call of Duty title over the last few months, and we got a longer cinematic trailer during the Sony press conference. The game will come out for Playstation 4, plus Xbox One and PC, but it’s worth pointing out as a standout of the system.

Skyrim VR

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – PlayStation VR E3 Trailer

Sony showed off Skyrim, a game that’s been showing up a lot at E3, this time for Playstation VR. It’s the first time the game has been taken into the virtual realm, at least from a first-party developer. The longtime favorite is sure to delight existing users who have put thousands of hours in, even if the game’s mechanics aren’t built for VR.


Star Child - E3 2017 Trailer - PSVR

With the rapid succession of trailers during the Sony press conference, it only made sense that some of the games wouldn’t have a lot of details. One such game was Starchild, a VR-enabled platformer involving massive creatures and benevolent giant robots. The art was striking and unique, and a focal point of the game.

The Inpatient

THE INPATIENT Trailer (E3 2017) PS4

Another Playstation VR title that didn’t receive a lot of explanation was The Inpatient, a horror game with surreal elements, an unnatural narrator, and a mental hospital setting. This sort of game is becoming increasingly common in VR, as horror tends to evoke a lot of emotion, helping with immersion.

Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV

Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV - E3 2017: Sony Conference

Continuing down the Playstation VR road, a new game based on Final Fantasy XV lets you step into the shoes of your favorite character and do some fishing. There are fish and odd creatures of all sizes, and a chance to sit at the campfire and eat some ramen. What more could you ask for from a VR title?

Bravo Team

Bravo Team - PlayStation VR Announce Trailer (2017) (PSVR)

Yet another VR title without a lot of explanation, Bravo Team looked about as generic as they come. A realistic military shooter with intense cover and long shootouts, the game will certainly appeal to fans of the genre, but there isn’t much to talk about yet.


Moss For PlayStation VR Reveal Trailer | E3 2017 Sony Press Conference

Sony’s final Playstation VR game at the press conference was Moss, which looks almost like the opposite of The Last Guardian. The player acts as a spirit or guide to a small mouse, armed with a sword and sash, as it adventures through puzzles and caves while defending itself from tiny enemies.

God of War

GOD OF WAR 4 Gameplay Trailer (E3 2017) PS4

We’ve seen God of War now a number of times, so it was no surprise that we got a longer look at the actual gameplay this year. Kratos’ son was close by his side the whole time, learning the ropes and occasionally lending a hand. That relationship seems to be at the forefront of the game, but we’ll have to wait and see until it releases in early 2018.

Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human - E3 2017 Trailer

A new trailer for Detroit: Become Human takes viewers into the mind of Marcus, a new Android introduced since the reveal last year. He’s on the other side of the revolution from Connor, who is a detective working to stop the violence. These different paths are all a part of Detroit: Become Human’s interesting story.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 – Official “Our Darkest Hour” E3 Trailer

A new Destiny 2 trailer put us face to face with the main antagonist of the game, Ghaul, who has led the charge to take the light from the guardians. Not much new in terms of details, but we expect to hear a lot more about the sequel in the upcoming months.


Spider-Man (PS4) 2017 E3 Gameplay

No real surprises here, but Sony did show off a new trailer for the upcoming Spider-Man title, which relied heavily on quick-time events for its big set pieces. This is a title that Sony is banking on to help it move out into new IPs again, and it’s not clear whether it can accomplish that. Still, the company has clearly put a lot of resources into the game, and it looks spectacular.

Brad Bourque
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Brad Bourque is a native Portlander, devout nerd, and craft beer enthusiast. He studied creative writing at Willamette…
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