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How to get and upgrade the FFXIV Shadowbringers Skysteel tools

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers patch 5.25 finally gave warriors of light the Shadowbringers relic weapons they’ve wanted since launch. Crafters and gatherers weren’t left out in the cold, though. One of the most time-consuming activities in the game is available for all, and we’re going to show you how to get started with your Skysteel tools.

Just like the battle class relics for this expansion, you’re practically given your Skysteel tool for free. Just put the coffer open on your preferred class, and you’ll have a usable tool dropped right into your inventory. You can grab one for each and every class you have at level 80 for a fee, making it a decent way to get into high-level crafting if you’ve just hit level 80. Upgrading them is going to take time, though. We’re not talking days just yet, but it’s not going to be the most entertaining way to spend the first few hours of your free time.

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How to unlock Shadowbringers Skysteel tools

FFXIV skysteel tools unlock
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Unlocking your first Skysteel tool is pretty easy. All you need to do is switch to your preferred crafting/gathering class and teleport over to Foundation. From there, take the aetheryte to The Brume and mosey on down to the entrance to the Firmament. Standing beside the guy who usually walks you in should be another guy with a quest marker above his head. Have a little chat with him, and he’ll eventually ask you to meet him near the Skysteel Manufactory. Head back there, have a long conversation with the others in attendance, and you’ll be given your first Skysteel tool.

Now, depending on whether you’re a crafter or gatherer, the next step will be different. We’ve broken these up into two different sections.

Disciple of the Land Skysteel tools (gathering classes)

FFXIV gathering
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Skysteel tools begin life at iLvl 440. It has respectable strength, but it’s not at all the best gathering tool you can get right now. It’ll get you through the Diadem, though. Through a bit of work (and then some more), you can up this to 455 and finally 475, beating out the current scrip gear.

Step 1: Skysteel +1 requirements

For gatherers, this first step is a true grind. New entries have been added to your Gathering Log, so you’ll want to take a look at these to see where you’re headed. You’ll need to gather a few hundred high-quality materials and another hundred or so normal quality scraps. It’s not as bad as it sounds, though.

The nodes are common, and they all have generous buffs applied to up things like gathering attempts and HQ rates. Paired with some gathering food like a Coffee Biscuit and generous glugs of Hi-Cordial, this shouldn’t take more than two or three hours to complete. Just stick some Disney+ or Netflix on in the background.

For fishers, you’ll want to pick up a few stacks of the Signature Skyball bait from Denys before heading out. This bait helps ensure you reel in the right item for the upgrade.

Materials needed

  • Mining: 340x Oddly Specific Obsidian (HQ) + 120x Oddly Specific Mineral Sand (NQ)
  • Botany: 340x Oddly Specific Latex (HQ) + 120x Oddly Specific Fossil Dust (NQ)
  • Fishing: 40x Thinkers Coral (HQ)

Step 2: Dragonsung tool requirements

The next step is another grind. Who’d have thought? After a tiny upgrade to iLvl 445, the step to a 475 Skysteel tool is quite grueling. It’s more of the same as the last, but you’ll be gathering more stacks of a different item. The same principles apply here, but you should expect a job that lasts three or four hours. Once you have the items, Denys will exchange them for the upgraded tool.

Materials needed

  • Mining: 510x Oddly Specific Dark Matter (HQ) + 180x Oddly Specific Striking Stone (NQ)
  • Botany: 510x Oddly Specific Amber (HQ) + 180x Oddly Specific Bauble (NQ)
  • Fishing: 60x Dragonspine (HQ)

Disciple of the Hand Skysteel tools (crafting classes)

FFXIV Skysteel tools crafting
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Skysteel tools begin life at iLvl 440. They’re not the strongest crafting tools in the game right now, but they likely will be over time. Through a bit of work, you can upgrade these tools to iLvl 455, and then again to 475, beating the current scrip gear on offer.

Step 1: Skysteel +1 Requirements

For crafters, the process is a bit less straightforward. You’re required to use your tool to craft a few dozen unique recipes. The materials needed in the craft are bought with yellow scrips, so be prepared to put in some extra work if you’re short on these.

Materials needed:

  • Carpenter: 20x Oddly Specific Petrified Ore
  • Blacksmith: 20x Oddly Specific Rivets
  • Armorer: 20x Oddly Specific Wire
  • Goldsmith: 20x Oddly Specific Whetstone
  • Leatherworker: 20x Oddly Specific Leather
  • Weaver: 20x Oddly Specific Moonbeam Silk
  • Alchemist: 20x Oddly Specific Synthetic Resin
  • Culinarian: 20x Oddly Specific Seed Extract

Step 2:

Dragonsung tool requirements

The second step of this Skysteel relic tool upgrade process is more of the same. Literally. You have to craft more of something entirely different. Once you have those crafts, take your Skysteel +1 tool to Denys to exchange the two for a Dragonsung tool.

Materials needed:

  • Carpenter: 30x Oddly Specific Shaft
  • Blacksmith: 30x Oddly Specific Fitting
  • Armorer: 30x Oddly Specific Chainmail Sheet
  • Goldsmith: 30x Oddly Specific Gemstone
  • Leatherworker: 30x Oddly Specific Vellum
  • Weaver: 30x Oddly Specific Velvet
  • Alchemist: 30x Oddly Specific Glass
  • Culinarian: 30x Oddly Specific Seed Flour

How to get extra Skysteel tools

FFXIV skysteel tools purchase window
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If you really want to set yourself up for disaster once additional upgrade steps come out, you can pick up as many different Skysteel tools as you want. Whether you’re a crafter or gatherer, additional tools can be bought from Denys in the Skysteel Manufactory for 80,000 gil each.

These will be the base models, so you’ll need to follow the previous steps to get these upgraded to their current maximum. That’s a lot of work, and you’ll only be making more for yourself once the next steps are released in future patches. If you’re just in need of a cheap tool to help you gather scrips for something better, these aren’t a bad buy.

Josh Brown
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Josh Brown is a UK-based freelancer with devoted interests in video games, tech, film, and anime/manga. Just don't talk to…
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Get your steps in

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Sword for hire
Sidequests pay well in Rebirth for the most part. There aren't a ton of them compared to most open world games, so they all tend to be worth your while in one way or another. Visit every new town's notice board and snag all the requests whenever possible. You won't know exactly what reward you're going to get until it's said and done, but you should expect at least a couple thousand Gil for your efforts in most cases.
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Queen's Blood

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