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How to hold more potions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

A dark and dreary landscape in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Potions are a mainstay in almost all fantasy media. In the world of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, they only come in one form, which is your classic healing potion. These mysterious elixirs are your only way to restore HP after you get smacked around a bit by some Darkspawn, but they are a notably limited resource, with just three by default. Upgrading how many potions you can hold is a common mechanic in games such as this, yet you would be hard-pressed to find a way to do it here since there’s nothing in the skill trees or upgrade system that seems to allow it. There are at least two ways to hold more potions, however, so drink up as we go over what you need to do.

How to hold more potions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

A rune description in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The first way to hold one extra potion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard has to be done during the character creator phase. When you’re selecting which Faction your Rook is as part of their background, you will see that each one comes with several traits. The Antvan Crows specifically are the only one that gives you the Hidden Pouch trait that lets you hold one extra potion. Sadly, just like your class, this isn’t something you can change once you’ve selected it.

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The other method we found for holding an additional potion is to get the Overflow rune and equip it on your dagger. The passive effect of the rune increases your potion capacity by one.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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