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How to make money fast in Monster Hunter Rise

At first, you probably won’t have a shortage of money (zenny) in Monster Hunter Rise. That’s because many of the basic needs such as healing items, early armor sets, and weapons are all relatively inexpensive to start. But as you “rise” through the ranks and defeat tougher monsters, you’ll find that many armor sets become costly and the payout you get from those high-level quests just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Fortunately, there’s an efficient farming method that grants you a ton of ores that are worth lots of zenny. It’s not the most straightforward farming method since it requires a bit of setup, but once you’ve got everything ready, it’s easy enough to learn. In this guide, we’ll include a detailed description of the best zenny-farming method, along with tips on how to make money when playing normally.

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Here’s how to make money fast in Monster Hunter Rise.

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Basic ways of earning zenny in Monster Hunter Rise

Complete quests

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Before jumping into the best money-farming method, let’s first discuss the basics of how you’ll be earning in-game currency. Of course, the most straightforward way to earn zenny is to complete quests. As you’d expect, the harder the quest, the more zenny you’ll earn. You can actually see how much zenny you’ll earn before you finish the quest. This can be viewed on the screen that features the quest name and description. It’ll tell you the locale, the types of secondary monsters you’ll encounter, along with the reward money, denoted by “z” for zenny.

The thing is, even high-rank quests only net you with around 10,000z at first, so you’ll find that simply relying on finishing these hunts isn’t the most efficient way to earn money. One thing to keep in mind is that you split the money by however many players are in your squad, so it often pays to play solo, at least from a financial perspective. That’s why you might notice your funds will only increase slowly when playing online with other hunters.

Finally, for each player that passes out, the payout at the end of the hunt decreases, so there are many factors to consider when earning money during a hunt — online or offline. You’ll obviously earn money from quests as you play, but you shouldn’t solely rely on hunting as your only source of earning zenny.

As a final tip, be sure to eat the Dango Money Maker meal before a quest to receive 30% more zenny from the hunt. This will give you a noticeable boost, so try not to skip this if possible. This will turn those 10,000z quest rewards into 13,000z. While that still isn’t a ton, especially since a quest can last upward of 50 minutes, it’s a nice boost.

Sell items

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Selling items is one of the easiest ways to earn money. In fact, the farming method we’ll cover below revolves around collecting ores and stones in bulk that you can sell for a huge profit. To put it simply, you can pretty much sell any item you acquire, and the higher the rarity, the more its worth. That’s why we recommend gathering as many items as you can because they can be turned into zenny.

Depending on the build you’re going for, many items you collect won’t be useful to you, so you can probably sell a substantial portion of your inventory without worrying about it. We don’t usually recommend selling everything you have, as you’ll likely need some of the items you acquire along the way, but you can play it by ear and make that choice for yourself based on the gear you want. For new players, we recommend figuring out the builds you like first before going on a selling spree.

To sell, you can visit your Item Box, which is found in the main area in front of Steelworks or in the Gathering Hub. Interact with the box and then select Manage Items. Scroll down to Sell Items, and you’ll be brought to your inventory list. Here, you can navigate to any of the items to see their value. The value is how much you’ll get from selling the item. Press A on the item and then A once more to bring up the sell option. Then select Sell Items and you can pick how many you’d like to get rid of by pressing up on the D-pad. Pressing A once more will sell the items, and the zenny will go right into your pocket.

You can also sell to merchants around the main village area, but we’ve found it faster to just do so from the Item Box instead.

Why do I need zenny?

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This might seem silly to address, but since Rise is an introductory game to many beginner players, it’s a good idea to cover why zenny is important. The main reason you’ll want to prioritize earning zenny is that armor and weapon sets can become wildly expensive as you play through the high ranks. In fact, some sets cost 7,000z per part. That’s a total of 35,000z for a full armor set! Weapons won’t come cheap either, and only get more expensive the more you play.

Some are over 10,000z, so when you consider you’ll only earn around 8,000z-12,000z for completing a high-rank hunt, you’ll start to run out of funds quickly — especially if you play a lot of multiplayer. And those prices aren’t even for the most expensive items. The rewards you get for high-rank quests don’t seem to scale appropriately to the cost of the applicable armor you need to complete them, but that’s because you aren’t meant to rely solely on hunting to earn money. Either way, money is a huge factor in Rise, so you’ll want to take a look at the best farming method, which we’ll detail below.

The best zenny farming method in Monster Hunter Rise

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Now that you understand the basics of zenny, how to acquire it, and why you need it, let’s get into the best farming method, which can net you around 300,000z every 10 minutes. As we mentioned before, it isn’t the most straightforward method, but it is the most efficient once you get it down, and we’ll detail how it works below. The main idea is to run a specific route on the Lava Caverns locale to collect ores. Since items respawn every four minutes, you can continuously run laps on this area to keep collecting them. Once you’re finished, you can sell the items for a huge profit. But it isn’t that simple, as there are a few things you need to do first to make it worthwhile.


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For this method, you’ll want to first make sure you’ve got the right armor equipped. Specifically, you’ll want parts of the Leather S set including the headgear, gloves, and pants. These items will boost your Geologist skill, which will increase the number of items you can collect from the world. If you equip all three pieces we mentioned, your total Geologist skill will reach level 3, which allows you to gather one extra time from mining outcrops. When you mine an outcrop, you get three items by default, so reaching geologist level 3 will boost that to four items. This is essential to maximizing the number of items you collect from each outcrop.

On top of that, you can stack the boost from the Geologist skill with an upsurge for any given locale. An upsurge temporarily increases the number of items you can collect in a specific level — but only for certain items. These upsurges rotate and can vary from bone piles to mining outcrops. If you boot up one of the expeditions at the Gathering Hub, you can check out the upsurge toward the top of the quest card, under the Locale Info. As you can see in the image above, you’ll want to look out for a mining outcrop upsurge. This, when combined with your level 3 Geologist skill, will net you with 12 items received from each outcrop mined. This is a huge increase from the standard three you get by default.

For this farming method, you’ll want to boot up the A Tour of the Caverns expedition, which sends you to explore the Lava Caverns. You should only attempt this in expedition quests, so you can end the mission whenever you’d like. Otherwise, you’ll have to deliver items or defeat monsters, which will eat up your time. For this mission, it’s a low-rank Hub Quest found under the expedition tour category. Now, it’s important to note that this expedition won’t always have an upsurge of mining crops.

Since the upsurge is essential to maximizing the amount of money you earn, you’ll want to complete different quests until this expedition has an upsurge in mining outcrops. Every time you complete a quest, the upsurge will cycle out. But keep in mind, you can also simply wait 10 minutes and the upsurge will cycle automatically. In essence, you’ll want to quickly complete delivery quests to cycle through until you get an upsurge in mining outcrops on the Lava Caverns expedition. Once you do, you’ll be ready to start collecting! You can perform this farming method without the mining outcrop upsurge, but it won’t be anywhere near as efficient.


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At this point, you’ll want to reference the map above. Each green dot represents a mining outcrop you should visit. From the starting point, south of area 1, you’ll want to hit each mining outcrop counterclockwise. So go from 4, to 5, then down to 10, south of 11, then northeast of that. Once you reach the top right-hand corner of the map, you’ll then want to teleport to the sub-camp in area 6 to continue going south. After you’ve reached the mining outcrop to the north of area 2, you can teleport back to the main camp area. Since you’re limited by the duration of the upsurge, you can’t infinitely perform the farming method. Instead, you basically have 10 minutes.

Remember, each mining outcrop respawns every four minutes. So, depending on how quickly you went through the route, you may have to wait a few seconds for the first outcrop to respawn. The other important factor is that an upsurge only lasts for 10 minutes. That means you can perform two and a half runs before the upsurge boost goes away. At this point, it’s more efficient to complete the expedition and then finish quests to get the upsurge to reset back to mining outcrops. You can certainly continue mining, but without the upsurge, you’ll be getting substantially fewer items — and in turn, less money.

It’s also a good idea to make sure you drop off ores in between runs. If you have 99 of a certain item on you, the game won’t allow you to collect more, so visit the camp to drop off ores into your Item Box. If you forget to do this, you won’t be able to pick up certain ores, which will waste your time. During an upsurge, you can get over 100 items that you can sell for around 300,000z in total.

Throughout your run, you should have collected Firestones, Firecell Stones, Carbalite Ores, and Fucium Ores. We’ll note their values below:

  • Firestones — 860z
  • Firecell Stones — 1720z
  • Carbalite Ores — 680z
  • Fucium Ores — 1,020z

As you can see, the prices are high, and if you get around 100 items per run, you can easily gain close to 300,000z depending on what you collect. Keep in mind, this isn’t the only farming method available, but is the most efficient way we’ve discovered. You shouldn’t need to grind too often, as 300,000z will last you quite a while, especially if you’re only aiming to make one armor set and weapon. But it’s nice to know that you can quickly perform this farming method to make some money when you need it. Combine this farming method with completing quests and selling items normally, and you’ll be in good shape.

Joseph Yaden
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Joseph Yaden is a freelance journalist who covers Nintendo, shooters, and horror games. He mostly covers game guides for…
Monster Hunter Wilds weapons guide
A hunter leaps at a Monster in Monster Hunter Wilds.

There are dozens of important tips and tricks you need to master in Monster Hunter Wilds, but they all pale in comparison to learning how to use your weapon effectively. All 14 are available right from the start and each one completely changes the flow of a hunt. Experienced hunters will be familiar with most of them, but there are some new aspects to take into account this time around. If you plan on playing with friends especially then you will want to make sure you're not holding the team back by just spamming attack. Before you put a new weapon on your wishlist, check out this quick weapons guide for Monster Hunter Wilds.
Weapons guide

As mentioned, there are 14 weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds. We will give you a basic idea of each one's strengths, weaknesses, and playstyle but the best thing you can do to decide is take on into the training area and try it out.
Great Sword
If you like a slow weapon that packs a massive punch, the Great Sword is still the king. This is the iconic weapon of the franchise capable of high-damage charge attacks and a block. You need to be brave and account for your slow swing speeds to land a hit, but once you do, it will count.
Long Sword
A sword so long even Sephiroth would be jealous. This weapon allows you to perform perfect dodges and counterattacks more like an action game. It also has nice wide, sweeping attacks for smaller mobs and hitting multiple parts of a monster at once. Landing hits builds a spirit gauge you can spend on a special combo that buffs your attack.
Sword and Shield
If you're new to the series, this is a great weapon to start with. It has fast attacks with the sword and shield, a decent block, dodge, and is the only weapon that lets you use items without having to put your weapon away first.
Dual Blades
For something a bit more fancy, the Dual Blades are just as fast but have more layers to consider. They give you a Demon and Archdemon gauge that buffs your attack power and speed as you build each one up. If you want to be fast and aggressive, give these a whirl.
The Hammer is a lot like the Great Sword, only dealing blunt damage that can quickly tire a monster out or stun it if you target the right body parts. You're not as slow with this weapon and have a dodge, but no guard.
Hunting Horn
This weapon is one best saved for veterans or players who are part of a dedicated squad. The horn plays different tunes that buff yourself and other hunters in addition to attacks, meaning you need to pay attention to the entire battlefield and know which buffs to trigger when.
If you fancy yourself a tank, pick up the Lance. This weapon lets you attack from relative safety behind your big shield at the expense of speed and damage. What it lacks in damage, however, it makes up for in targeted damage. You can easily wound and exploit a monster's limbs with precise thrusts.
The Gunlance is basically what it says on the tin. You still have the heavy shield, but now focus on shooting explosive shells. It gives you a lot more range to work with and has a dodge.
Switch Axe
This weapon feels ripped right out of Bloodborne. You can use it as a heavy axe or transform it into a more nimble sword. Each one has their strengths, such as being able to cause explosions, but neither are the best in their class. If you want to be as versatile as possible, go with this.
Charge Blade
Another transforming weapon, the Charge Blade also has an axe mode as well as a sword and shield. Most consider this the most difficult weapon to master in the series since using one mode powers up the second and each has their own complete combo list to internalize.
Insect Glaive
Verticality is better in Monster Hunter Wilds than ever before. The Insect Glave will let you leap and sping around the environment and make mounting monsters a breeze. You will need to snag parts of monsters with your Kinsect during fights to buff yourself otherwise you will deal very little damage.
Light Bowgun
The first pure ranged weapon, this bowgun keeps you light on your feet and has a fast rate of fire for great DPS if you can keep the monster in your sights. Landing hits build up a gauge you can spend on a Rapid Fire ability to unload all at once. Just make sure you come stocked with ammo.
Heavy Bowgun
We suggest saving the Heavy Bowgun for party hunts since it is most effective from long-range while others draw aggro. You do have an auto-guard just in case, but an ideal run with this weapon will have you sniping from a distance with the correct ammo type to bring down your target.
The Bow is unique compared to the other two ranged weapons. It uses your stamina to draw and fire but encourages you to stay somewhat close since a perfect dodge will completely refill your stamina. The coolest feature, though, is the tracer shot. Once you land this, all the arrows you shoot after will home in on that spot. Eventually, the tracer explodes for even more damage.

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How long is Monster Hunter Wilds
A hunter leaps at a Monster in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Hunters have been preparing meals, sharpening their weapons, and sharing all the best tips and tricks for months waiting for Monster Hunter Wilds to arrive. Now that it has arrived, we're all ready to gather our friends and hunt down the most epic beasts yet. Fans have come to expect these games to last dozens, if not hundreds, of hours beyond just the main campaign. Going into High Rank hunts, grinding to upgrade gear, and taking on rare species can extend the fun for those who want to dive deep into the systems. But the question remains if Capcom had to scale down this latest entry, at least at launch, to account for all the new systems and improved visuals. Let's take a break at camp to find out just how long Monster Hunter Wilds is.
How long is Monster Hunter Wilds

Determining how long Monster Hunter Wilds is depends on what you consider finishing the game. If reaching the game's credits is your definition of the end, which comes after beating the main story, then you could expect the game to last anywhere from 15 to 20 hours depending on how many optional quests and hunts you decide to take. However, the main story only lasts through the end of Low Rank, with High Rank being where the game really starts for most players and also includes even more story content.

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Monster Hunter Wilds is Capcom’s most sucessful PC launch ever
A hunter about to eat meat in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds hasn't even been available for a full 24 hours, and it has already reached the number-six spot for the most-played games of all time on Steam. It has also firmly secured its position as Capcom's most successful PC launch by more than 500,000 players, and that number just keeps growing. Right now, as of roughly 9:40 AM ET, the game currently has more than 1.3 million concurrent players.

That's a lot of players at one time — more than Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3 ever achieved. It's also an astronomical increase from Monster Hunter World, which peaked at just over 330,000 players. Wilds is a runaway success, especially when you consider that neither PlayStation nor Xbox players are included in this count.

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