Nintendo might have given us our first glimpse of its upcoming Switch console, but don’t expect much in the way of details until early next year. In a presentation to financial analysts, Nintendo pledged to give full details on the console’s pricing and intended launch date on January 12, 2017.
The Nintendo Switch made quite a splash when it was unveiled last week, showing off its portable and home gaming ability, as well as a surprisingly intimate focus on local gaming, considering the push by other platforms for virtual reality and online play. Unfortunately though, Nintendo is being rather coy, so while we know how the system works, we don’t really know what it’s going to be like to use, nor what its game library will be.
While game teases and reveals are expected over the next few months and we expect much better third-party support from this system than we saw with the Wii U, big details like launch dates and pricing won’t be available until January it seems.
The event will be a big one, though, with media, financial analysts, and trade partners all present in Tokyo where it will be staged. Moreover, the public will also be allowed to tune in, since the event will be live-streamed — and streamed again at “U.S. time,” as well, which should mean we don’t all need to get up super early, or stay up till the early hours to view it.
Following that event, Nintendo will also be hosting testing events around the world in the following weeks. This will give the public a chance to try out the console themselves, in a range of venues around Europe and the U.S.. While again, we don’t really know what this try-out tour will entail, you can expect big games like the known launch title Zelda: Breath of the Wind to be in attendance.
The Nintendo Switch is quite an out-there design choice in 2016, but one we’re excited by and think will do well. But what do you guys think?