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This is my must-buy Nintendo Switch game for Black Friday 2024

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If there’s one Switch game I can’t recommend enough, it’s Pikmin 4. The series expertly walks the tightrope between being a cute, whimsical adventure and a strategy game that needs serious planning to complete, exciting casual Switch players looking to hang out with some oddball little plant friends while keeping the attention of serious speedrunners and strategists. Whether you’re seriously invested in saving the lives of the crashed spacecraft crew (more on that later) or you want to see how many little colorful buddies you can pluck out of the ground, Pikmin 4 is quite an adventure and one of the best games on Switch.

If you’re new to the Pikmin series, Pikmin 4 is an excellent place to start. It preserves the charm of its predecessors while refining the occasionally tricky control scheme and adjusting the story to be more accessible for newcomers. First-party title sales in the Nintendo Switch ecosystem are fairly rare — it’s not uncommon for them to remain at launch-day prices for years — so the Black Friday discount for this title is a blessing. You can  (a whopping 50% discount).

In Pikmin 4, the storyline mirrors the core premise of previous games: you guide a crew of stranded astronauts who crash-land on a mysterious planet and rely on the help of native Pikmin — adorable plant-like creatures —to repair their ship and find a way home.

The gameplay emphasizes a concept called “Dandori,” which translates to the art of strategic organization and efficient execution. This approach encourages players to manage the chaos of commanding a small army of sprouts on a dangerous alien world. While this idea has been a key element of the series, it’s the first time the term “Dandori” has been explicitly introduced.

Gaming editor Giovanni Colantonio, who reviewed the game in July 2023, wrote that it might be “the best life coach I’ve ever had.”

“The adventure grabs various ideas from the series’ past and puts them all in order, like someone shuffling a handful of loose-leaf papers into one neat stack,” he wrote in a four-star review. “At its heart, this is the same series I’ve enjoyed for two decades, but I feel like I’m seeing it in a whole new light thanks to a thorough reorganization. I don’t know that I can name any other game that made me excited to do my household chores every time I powered it down.”

For me, Pikmin 4 was one of those games I simply couldn’t put down. Each in-game day seamlessly flowed into the next, with unfinished tasks, nearly solved puzzles, or unexplored corners of a region constantly pulling me back in. There wasn’t a single dull moment throughout my entire playthrough. I also had an absolute blast watching my wife work through her own playthrough alongside mine. Normally, watching someone play a game you’ve just finished might feel repetitive, but seeing her approach the same puzzles and challenges in her own unique way was fascinating.

The Nintendo Switch is home to plenty of fantastic titles, but Pikmin 4 is one of my all-time favorites.

Sam Hill
Former Digital Trends Contributor
As Digital Trends' Gaming evergreen lead, Sam Hill is here to help you find your new favorite game and dive right in. The…
Green Man Gaming Black Friday: Become a Gold member free and get exclusive deals
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Around a year ago thanks to a big game purchase on Green Man Gaming I was upgraded to the Gold XP tier. With that comes access to exclusive deals, every month, as it's the top tier of the brand's customer loyalty program (XP). You get the best possible pricing for a myriad of PC games, plus exclusive vouchers that help you save on some of the latest titles. A lot of times, when new games are released there are discounts available which is what I love about it. But here's the thing, instead of actually having to purchase a few games to upgrade your membership tier, you can get that totally free as part of a Green Man Gaming Black Friday promotion. Just use the exclusive voucher XPDIGITAL and you’re in.

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Xbox’s all-you-can-game buffet, Game Pass Ultimate, is 28% off for the first thousand customers
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TL;DR: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate deal: Pay $36.49, and save 28%, but this deal is only available for the first 1,000 people to buy from StackSocial — this will sell out fast!

Who doesn’t love a good buffet, especially when you can stuff yourself with games instead of greasy grub? Play all you want with over 500 games in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, now 28% off for the first thousand customers.

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Best video game deals: PlayStation 5, Xbox S and X, Nintendo Switch

While PC gaming is great, it can often be a lot more complicated than the more plug-and-play streamlined experience that you can get with consoles. Of course, console games are also quite expensive, and if you've gamed on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, or Nintendo Switch, then you know how quickly your wallet can empty, filling up your library. That said, there are actually quite a few great deals that you can take advantage of across pretty much all platforms, so it's not as bleak as it may feel. That's why we've gone out and collected our favorite PS5 games, best Xbox Series X games, or best Nintendo Switch games to save you the hassle, so be sure to check out all the options below.
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