Red Dead Redemption 2 is a highly detailed open-world game that really leans into the idea of realism. From lifelike character animations to weather, and certain horse “parts,” RDR2 wants you to feel like you’re in America’s heartland circa 1899. The realism extends to the story’s methodical pacing and belief that you should spend a ton of time working your way through the world.
Still, RDR2 is a video game, and it’s a virtual playground filled with fun and hilarious possibilities. That’s where cheat codes come in to spice things up. Like the original RDR, there are a variety of cheat codes you can enter in to turn the realism notch down a tad and see what kind of trouble you can get into. From infinite ammo to unlimited drunkenness and virtual invulnerability, cheat codes can be fun to mess around with in RDR2.
Further reading
- Red Dead Redemption 2: A beginner’s guide
- How to find the best horses
- Our full Red Dead Redemption 2 review
How to activate cheat codes
Entering cheats works differently than you might expect. First, go into the pause menu, and then go down to Settings. From there, press Triangle on PS4, or Y on Xbox One, to open the Cheats menu. Then press Triangle/Y again to type in a cheat. All of the codes are phrases, some of which require you to have specific newspapers in your inventory in order to activate them. Newspapers can sometimes be purchased after missions in certain towns, so keep an eye out for opportunities. The cheat codes are often hidden as headlines in the newspapers.
We’ve compiled a list of all 37 RDR2 cheat codes. Before you start typing in these codes, you should first create a manual save. After activating a cheat code, you cannot save your game, nor can you unlock Trophies or Achievements. So if you were planning on running through the story with unlimited ammo, you won’t be able to, unfortunately. Here is the complete list of Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes.
Name | Cheat Code | What it does | Do you need to have a special item? |
Infinite Ammo | Abundance is the dullest desire | Acquire unlimited ammo | Newspaper: New Hanover Gazette No. 27, found in Valentine after chapter 2 (via Eurogamer) |
Basic Weapons | A simple life, a beautiful death | Set of basic weapons deposit into your satchel | No |
Heavy Weapons | Greed is American Virtue | Five “heavy” weapons deposit into your satchel | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 46, found in Saint Denis after chapter 3 mission “Magicians for Sport” (via Eurogamer) |
Stealth Weapons | Death is silence | A set of throwable weapons deposit into your satchel | No |
Gunslinger Weapons | History is written by fools | A set of Gunslinger weapons deposit into your satchel | No |
Fog of War | You long for sight and see nothing | Full map revealed | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 47, found in Saint Denis after chapter 3 mission “Magicians for Sport” (via Eurogamer) |
Add $500 | Greed is now a virtue | Grants $500 | No |
Own All Outfits | Vanity. All is vanity | Grants entire wardrobe of clothes | No |
Learn All Recipes | Eat of Knowledge | Acquire all recipes | No |
Purchase All Camp Upgrades | Share | Grants all camp upgrades | No |
High Honor | Virtue Unearned is not virtue | Increases Honor | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 48, found in Saint Denis after chapter 4 mission “Urban Pleasures”(via Eurogamer) |
Decrease Honor | You revel in your disgrace, I see | Lowers Honor to zero | No |
Reset Honor | Balance. All is balance | Resets Honor to neutral | No |
Infinite Dead Eye | Be greedy only for foresight | Grants unlimited Dead Eye | No |
Infinite Stamina | The lucky be strong evermore | Grants unlimited Stamina | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 49, found in Saint Denis after chapter 5 (via Eurogamer) |
Set Dead Eye Level (1) | Guide me better | Grants ability to auto-target multiple enemies | No |
Set Dead Eye Level (2) | Make me better | Grants ability to manually target multiple enemies | No |
Set Dead Eye Level (3) | I shall be better | Grants ability to stay in Dead Eye mode after firing | No |
Set Dead Eye Level (4) | I still seek more | Grants ability to see enemy vital organs (head and heart) | No |
Set Dead Eye Level (5) | I seek and I find | Grants ability to see enemy vital organs (lung and stomach) | No |
Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full | You flourish before you die | Refills Dead Eye, Health, and Stamina bars to maximum | No |
Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bar Levels | Seek all the bounty of this place | Raises Dead Eye, Health, and Stamina levels | No |
Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars | You Seek More Than The World Offers | Dead Eye, Health, and Stamina won’t drain for a limited time | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 52, found in Saint Denis after chapter 6 mission “The King’s Son” (via Eurogamer) |
Increase Horse Whistle Range | Better than my dog | Ability to whistle for horse from any location | No |
Drunk | A fool on command | Makes you drunk | No |
Create race horse | Run! Run! Run! | Spawns race horse for use | No |
Increase horse bonding | My kingdom is a horse | Raises bonding level with all owned horses | No |
Create War Horse | You are a beast built for war | Spawns War horse for use | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 53, found in Saint Denis after Epilogue (via Eurogamer) |
Create Stagecoach | The best of the old ways | Spawns stagecoach for use | No |
Create Wagon | Keep your dreams simple | Spawns wagon and horse for use | No |
Create Circus Wagon | Would you be happier as a clown? | Spawns circus wagon for use | Newspaper: Saint Denis Times No. 54, found in Saint Denis after Epilogue (via Eurogamer) |
Create superior horse | You want more than you have | Spawns Rose Grey Bay Arabian horse for use | No |
Create Random Horse | You want something new | Spawns random horse for use | No |
Create Buggy | Keep your dreams light | Spawns buggy with horse for use | No |
Increase Wanted Level | You want punishment | Raises wanted level | No |
Decrease Wanted Level | You want freedom | Lowers wanted level | No |
Clear All Bounties and Lockdown Areas | You want everyone to go away | Wipes all bounties from any and all towns | No |