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Dominate the galaxy with our Star Wars: Battlefront II multiplayer guide

Dice and Electronic Arts’ Star Wars: Battlefront II takes players through some of the biggest, most iconic battles in Star Wars history. But like in the previous Battlefront, the only way to defeat the Empire or shut down the plans of the Rebel scum is to work together as a team. There are lots of ins and outs to Battlefront II that aren’t obvious, from the progression system to how the game’s trooper classes interact with each other.

We put together a whole slate of tips that will help you blast through enemy armies, win starfighter dogfights and get the best Star Cards to improve your hero characters and trooper classes. Here is everything you need to know win control of the galaxy in Battlefront II multiplayer.

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Stay with your squad

Battlefront 2 Squad
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When you spawn during a Battlefront II match, you join the game as part of a squad with other players — either your friends if you’re part of a party, or other teammates. Battlefront II is best played with teammates and as a unit, and it incentivizes you to stick together by increasing the rate you earn “battle points” as you play the game. That means you will be able to access hero characters and starships sooner, plus earn more of Battlefront II‘s in-game currency, credits, when you complete the match.

Beyond the selfish returns you get from hanging out with your squad, you’re more likely to be effective and useful to your team if you’re working together with other players, rather than running off on your own. Teams that work together tend to win in Battlefront II, so do your part for the war effort and stay with your unit.

Keep an eye on your Star Cards

Star Wars Battlefront II Star Cards
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“Star Cards” are the way in which you customize the loadouts that come with every trooper class, hero character, and starship in the game — they are how you make your classes play the way you want them to. But you don’t unlock Star Cards just by playing in Battlefront II; you either need to purchase them with a currency called “crafting parts” or get them out of loot crates (and crates are the only way to get more crafting parts).

As you rack up credits while playing, make sure to drop out of your matches once in a while in order to purchase more crates and get more cards. They offer you chances to change your classes to better fit your play style, as well as to just improve your characters in general, so they are worth a little investment. You can change your Star Cards mid-battle.

Stick to the objectives

Star Wars Battlefront II Stick to Objectives
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In most of the game types in Battlefront II, your purpose isn’t to rack up the most kills, but to conquer a variety of objectives. Even if your team is on defense, you have objectives popping up on screen, telling you what areas to hold, which enemies to prioritize, and where to focus your attention.

Objectives, of course, are the key to victory, so it makes sense that playing them increases your Battle Point score more than running around, racking up kills. If you stay on target, you earn more credits, get to play as heroes quicker, and win more often. So be a good teammate and pay attention to your objectives.

Spend time with all the trooper classes and switch frequently

Star Wars Battlefront II Trooper Classes
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Battlefront II is designed to be more tactical than its predecessor, with an emphasis on picking different trooper classes, working together as a unit, and working as a team — albeit a huge one. For most of the time when you play multiplayer, you will be using one of four trooper classes, each with different abilities and uses different weapons. It can be tempting to fall into using just one or two classes, particularly if you like sniping or fighting on the front lines, but try to resist that urge.

The different classes in Battlefront II are best used either in response to what the other team is doing or in complementing your squad. Do your best to pick a trooper class that is going to benefit the whole team. For instance, if you are defending a position, you might want to field a heavy trooper for increased firepower. If your team is having trouble crossing a well-defended part of the map, break out a sniper to thin the enemy ranks. And don’t forget about the officer, who can buff other players and can deploy turrets, or with the right card, a squad shield. Change your class as the situation demands and you will win more often than if you’re only good at a single niche role.

Use Battle Points for tactical advantages, not just lightsabers

Battlefront 2 Heroes
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As you fight in multiplayer, you rack up Battle Points. In between spawns, once you gather enough, you can spend points to deploy as special characters, artillery, or spacecraft. You might think you want to bank all your points for the glory of becoming a Jedi and ripping other players apart, but that is not always what’s best for the team.

Instead, try to use your Battle Points to turn the tide. If a defensive position is particularly tough to crack, a tank or walker might be in order. Starfighters can provide crucial air support for players on the ground, and are essential for taking down AT-AT walkers on maps like Hoth. Read the situation and use your points the best way you can, especially since earning enough to get a hero character can take a very long time.

Take some time to practice flying

Star Wars Battlefront II Starfighter
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Air support is a huge part of Battlefront II that is easily overlooked in Galactic Assault. In most matches, the battle isn’t just taking place on the ground — it’s in the air, too. Letting one team dominate the skies can spell doom for the group for your ground troops, as they get blasted by powerful starfighters. By the same token, you can wreak havoc on the other team if you can gain air superiority.

The trouble is, flying in Battlefront II takes some getting used to. It’s easy to crash or get wiped out by other fighters if you haven’t practiced. It’s worth dedicating some time to messing around with fighters in the campaign or in the Starfighter Assault, the space fighter-only multiplayer mode, so you to hop in an X-Wing or a TIE fighter if your team needs you. Good pilots can make a world of difference in tight matches: Make sure to practice piloting and aiming, but also think about the best ways to support your teammates on the ground. You need starfighters in a lot of matches, especially when you have to take down big AT-AT walkers or MTTs. Plus, flying is a ton of fun once you get good at it, so put in the practice.

Avoid charging into battle

Star Wars: Battlefront II Multiplayer Progression
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Much of Battlefront II takes place on huge maps, with your starting position placing you pretty far from the action. The size and scope of the game is the appeal, but that means that when you die, you will often find yourself trucking across a huge area just to get back to the action. Still, you want to avoid rushing straight to an objective or tearing across the map in the open, because the size of Battlefront II‘s matches means that there are often other players watching and waiting to take shots at you when your defenses are down.

Instead, try to move up slowly with your team, and get a feel for any given situation. The game often rewards careful players who think about the terrain, and Battlefront II‘s maps are absolutely filled with paths that allow for flanking and surprise attacks. You might feel like you need to get right back into the fight immediately, but that’s a great way to get blasted before you even know what hit you. Take your time and figure out how you can do the most damage to the enemy team — there are plenty of people in any given match who run right to the front line, so you don’t have to.

Get used to first- and third-person

Star Wars Battlefront II Third Person
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If you’re playing Battlefront II like most multiplayer shooters, you will likely default to first-person mode and play that way for most of the time. It’s the more accurate way to play under most circumstances, allowing you to aim down the sights of your gun and fire most effectively. But there will always be circumstances where you don’t just have the option to play from Battlefront II‘s third-person perspective but are required to do so.

When using Hero characters, “enforcer” classes like Wookiees, and even some of the abilities of the default classes, Battlefront II will force you into the third-person perspective. If you’re not used to it, popping the heavy trooper’s shield only to suddenly find yourself in third-person can be a death sentence. So, as with classes and starfighter piloting, it’s worth the investment to practice playing in third-person mode. It’s a totally different feel from playing in first-person, but some of the strongest multiplayer classes require it, and you’ll want to be ready to be as effective a fighter as possible when you spend those Battle Points.

Check your milestones

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Milestones
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Much of the progression in Battlefront II, including earning better Star Cards to improve your characters and classes, is tied to milestones. These are different challenges that reward you with loot crates and currency to buy better cards and unlock new Heroes. There are a huge number of milestones in the game, all available on the “Career” tab of your menu, and unlocking them is key to getting the customization options in Battlefront II that will allow you to build loadouts best suited to your playstyle. In other words, Milestones will help you get better, in a number of ways.

Milestone challenges include everything from spending time in each trooper class, to getting a number of kills with a particular weapon, to achieving wins and objectives in the different Battlefront II multiplayer modes. Before you fire up a game, it’s always worth checking which milestones you’re close to earning and which ones you want to work on. That way, you know if you want to spend more time playing a particular class or working with a specific weapon. Not only do milestones force you out of your comfort zone to try new things, but they help you progress faster. But you can’t check your milestones once you’re in a match, so come prepared knowing what you want to work on to speed up your progression. If you want more detailed advice on which milestones to go after first, you should check out our handy guide for earning credits faster.

Phil Hornshaw
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Phil Hornshaw is an author, freelance writer and journalist living in Los Angeles. He is the co-author of The Space Hero's…
All status effects in Lies of P and how to cure them
Pinocchio in Lies of P.

Lies of P is a challenging role-playing game that will test your mettle at every turn with deadly enemies and dastardly environmental traps. But to make things even a bit more difficult, you'll have to contend with a collection of status effects that can majorly affect your character and make things much harder for you in battle. We've compiled a list of all status effects in Lies of P, as well as a list of ways to cure them.
All status effects
There are a total of seven status effects, with each either dealing damage or having a noticeable impact on your ability to perform in battle. Here are all of them and how they work.
Overheat is caused by taking too much fire damage too quickly. When the Overheat bar fills entirely, you'll begin to burn and lose health until it is cured or wears off naturally. During this time, your Guard Regain recovery amount will also be reduced, which can drastically impact your survivability in fast-paced encounters.
When Shock is applied, your character's stamina recovery will be reduced significantly, which can have devastating consequences. Until this effect is cured or wears of naturally, you'll be stuck with very limited movement and attack opportunities due to your decreased stamina.
Electric Shock
Not to be confused with standard Shock, Electric Shock is caused by taking too much Electric Blitz damage in a short period of time. When this happens, you'll take increased Electric Blitz and physical damage for the duration of the effect, and your Fable meter will drain continuously, which can reduce your attack options in combat.
Decay is caused by taking too much Acid damage within a small time window. This will cause constant weapon and acid damage, both of which can make life difficult for you in battle since letting it go on for too long can result in needing to repair your weapon while also dodging your foes' attacks.
Corruption is caused by a buildup of, well, Corruption. When this happens, you'll be afflicted with what is essentially your textbook poison effect, meaning your HP will drain continuously until it wears off or is healed with an item. This can be especially challenging to cope with when also fighting enemies, so avoiding sources of Corruption is highly advised when possible.
Break is an annoying status effect to contend with, as letting its bar build up entirely will temporarily decrease how much health your Pulse Cells heal. This can be especially frustrating when you already find yourself at low health and don't have many Pulse Cells left, but it's usually best to wait until the effect wears off before healing so you can ensure you get the maximum amount of health possible.
Disruption is perhaps the most concerning of all status effects in the game, as you'll be instantly killed when the Disruption bar fills up entirely. If you find yourself in a situation where a lot of Disruption damage is being doled out, it's best to back off until the bar depletes some or you'll soon be seeing a Game Over screen.
How to cure status effects
There are multiple items in the game designed to help you cure specific ailments, as well as items that can increase your resistance to them so that you can reduce your chance of becoming infected to begin with. You can find these cure and resistance items in various places while exploring throughout the game, or you can buy them with Ergo from Polendia at Hotel Krat.

Attribute Purification Ampoule - Cures Overheat, Electric Shock, Decay, and Corruption
Special Purification Ampoule - Cures Shock, Break, and Disruption
Attribute Resistance Ampoule - Enhances resistance to Overheat, Electric Shock, Decay, and Corruption
Special Resistance Ampoule - Enhances resistance to Shock, Break, and Disruption

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The best traits to level first in Remnant 2
Three characters shoot at a boss in Remnant 2.

Much of Remnant 2's leveling process is based around increasing the ranks of traits that you'll discover throughout your journe. This will give you plenty of opportunities to build a character that best matches your playstyle. In the game's opening hours, however, each character will begin with just a few traits that can be leveled, and your equally limited trait points can make deciding which of those you want to invest in somewhat of a challenge. In this guide, we'll give you our opinion on which of these are best to focus on for optimizing the early part of your adventure. Here are the best traits to level first in Remnant 2
Best traits to level first in Remnant 2
When beginning the game with a new character, you'll have only five traits – one archetype trait exclusive to the archetype you've chosen and four core traits that every character begins with. Your archetype trait will level automatically as you play with that archetype, so you don't need to do anything with that trait. Instead, let's take a look at the four other core traits and discuss which ones are best to invest in.
Vigor improves your overall health, which means you can take more damage before dying. This is likely the most important trait to pump points into, especially when first setting out into the dangerous world of Remnant 2. Enemies hit hard (especially bosses) and you have limited healing options during these opening hours, so you'll need every bit of extra health you can get. It wouldn't hurt to prioritize this trait until you get it to level 10, actually, as you'll be able to get plenty more points as the game progresses, and being able to take a few more hits against the game's first few bosses is immensely helpful. This is even more true for Challengers in team compositions where they'll be tanking and spending a lot of time in melee range.
Endurance improves your overall stamina, which will allow you to run and roll more during combat. This is a great option to level up if you're playing a character that is focused on melee, as it will allow you to run more when you get surrounded or roll out of the way of enemy attacks without worrying as much about your stamina meter. For primarily ranged players, though, it's a bit less useful, so you're probably better putting those points elsewhere early on. As with Vigor, though, Challengers will likely benefit most from the trait due to their tendency to be a group's close-quarters combat specialist.
Spirit improves your weapon mod power generation. This helps you to earn the ability to use your weapon mods more often in combat, meaning that its usefulness is entirely dependent on how useful your weapon mods are to your build. At the beginning of the game, your weapon mods will be most helpful during boss battles, and you're likely to end them before generating a second use of your mod anyways. Because of this, Spirit is likely better saved for leveling later on so that you can focus on survivability first. Gunslingers, however, are likely to see this as a good option in group settings because they're designed to be a DPS powerhouse.
Expertise improves the cooldown speed of your archetype skills. This will aid you in using these skills more frequently, which can be a help against bosses and packs of deadly foes. However, like with Spirit, the usefulness of this trait in the initial few hours of the game is limited due to the already long cooldowns and the speed at which many bosses are likely to fall anyways. While Vigor should still be a priority for most classes, Expertise can be a particularly worthwhile trait for Medics who are playing with a group, as it's vital to keep their healing capabilities available as much as possible.

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Fortnite Artifact Axe: how to destroy stones and best location
Animated image showing Fortnite Artifact Axe

Anyone who plays Fortnite long enough will come to love its yearly summer festivities, and as usual, this year's Summer Escape Event has proven to be a great time for players looking to engage in fun quests and earn new cosmetics. This week provides a new quest that tasks you with destroying 10 stones in battle royale mode, which offers you the reward of a new harvesting tool known as the Artifact Axe. If you're wondering what qualifies as a stone and how to destroy them, we'll give you the details below.
How to destroy stones in Fortnite to earn the Artifact Axe
First of all, you've probably hidden behind some of these stones before because, well, the game is actually just referring to the large rocks you can find scattered all across the map. Some are larger than others, but they're all easily identifiable and can be destroyed by smacking them repeatedly with a harvesting tool. In other words, you're quite likely to run across plenty of them playing naturally, especially if you spend any time in forests or along the coast.

If you're wanting to know of a spot that will help you knock the quest out quicker, you can try heading to the beach to the south of Kenjutsu Crossing at the bottom of the map.

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