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The best ships in Starfield

It only takes a few minutes of playing Starfield before you’re sitting in the pilot seat of your very own starship, The Frontier. As exciting as it is to have your very own ship to travel the stars with, being the default ship means that there’s far more potential in future ships. While you could get creative and design your own ship from scratch, there are a ton of ships in the game you can either purchase for Credits or earn as rewards for completing specific quests. Since not everyone is going to take to the ship-building system, these pre-built ships are extremely useful upgrades over your basic Frontier, but tracking down and figuring out which ones are the best is a tall order. Here are the best ships you can buy or earn in Starfield and how to get them.

Renegade III

The renegade spaceship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

If you want a ship that can withstand plenty of abuse for either heavy combat or surviving raids, the Renegade III is about as good as it gets. This ship’s primary draw will no doubt be its cargo capacity, which is among the best we’ve found in the game at 4,367. This makes it a perfect choice for all you space-truckers, or outpost builders who never want to run out of materials while on the go. It has a hull capacity of 1,488 and can 500 fuel, but isn’t meant for much fighting due to lacking any missiles. You can buy this ship on Neon for 450,000 Credits.

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The shieldbreaker ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

We’ll give you one guess as to what the Shieldbreaker is built to do. That’s right, this ship is a killer for enemy shields, with 24 laser-, 28 ballistic-, and 58 missile-damage, plus a 610 shield rating itself. Its hull is decent at 940, but you can’t carry much with only 2,280 cargo capacity. If you get enough money, this is a great all-around upgrade from your starting ship with an edge in combat. You can buy it for 250,000 Credits on New Atlantis.

Starborn Guardian

The starborn guardian ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

This is an end-game ship that you’re automatically given if you are patient enough. This ship is an attack ship, pure and simple thanks to powerful torpedoes. That said, this is a small ship without much else to offer except speed and firepower. You have alright shields at 630, but your hull maxes out at 649 so you need to avoid damage as much as you can. Don’t bother trying to carry anything but the essentials on the Starborn Guardian, which only has 950 cargo capacity. You will automatically gain access to this ship once you start New Game +.

Vanquisher III

The vanquisher ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

This is a behemoth of a ship and essentially the 18-wheeler of spacecraft in Starfield. It is similar to the Renegade III, but a bit improved in a few key areas. Its cargo capacity and hull stars are about equal at 4,128 and 1,392 respectively, but the Vanquisher III doesn’t lose out on the ability to use missiles. Another downside is that this ship costs even more than the Renegade at 490,000 from the New Atlantis shop.

Star Eagle

The star eagle ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softwork

If you can look past the cliche name, the Star Eagle is actually a very competent ship if you’re interested in doing space piracy. The big feature is the inclusion of a magnet you can use to disable the systems of enemy ships to make boarding and raiding far easier. If push comes to shove, it can hold its own in a fight with very powerful missiles, 912 shields, and 948 hull health. It can hold 2,200 cargo, which is good enough for a few quick raids before needing to unload. What’s even better is that you can get this ship for free by joining the Freestar Rangers and going through their faction missions.

Crimson Fleet Wight III

The crimson fleet ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

If you’re looking for more of a battleship in space-type ship, the Crimson Fleet Wight III has your name on it. This ship is close to unkillable thanks to 2,104 shields and 1,516 hull health, plus decent lasers and ballistics backing up incredibly strong missiles. Cargo capacity isn’t all that great at 957, and this thing isn’t meant to turn on a dime, but when you’ve got that much firepower, you just need to line up your shots and tank whatever comes at you. As the name suggests, this is a Crimson Fleet ship, but not one they’ll give away for free. You do have to join their faction and make it to The Key, where you can buy it for 300,000 Credits.


The razorleaf ship in Starfield.
Bethesda Softowrks

If you just want something you can get quickly and easily after getting bored with The Frontier, the Razorleaf is a nice upgrade you can get early in your adventure. This is an especially good pick if you intend to try your hand at smuggling since it comes with space you can hide cargo from scanners. That said, you won’t be smuggling a ton at once with 510 cargo capacity, and it can’t take on big fights with low shield and hull health, but it is still a step up from what you start with and can be picked up for free. If you want to grab yourself a Razorleaf, you need to complete a quest called Mantis which you get by finding the Secret Outpost data pad. Unfortunately, this drop is a bit random and there’s no way to guarantee you will find it, but it will be on the body of a Spacer enemy. Just make sure you at least check all the bodies of Spacers to see if they have it and can start the quest.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
Monster Hunter Wilds weapons guide
A hunter leaps at a Monster in Monster Hunter Wilds.

There are dozens of important tips and tricks you need to master in Monster Hunter Wilds, but they all pale in comparison to learning how to use your weapon effectively. All 14 are available right from the start and each one completely changes the flow of a hunt. Experienced hunters will be familiar with most of them, but there are some new aspects to take into account this time around. If you plan on playing with friends especially then you will want to make sure you're not holding the team back by just spamming attack. Before you put a new weapon on your wishlist, check out this quick weapons guide for Monster Hunter Wilds.
Weapons guide

As mentioned, there are 14 weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds. We will give you a basic idea of each one's strengths, weaknesses, and playstyle but the best thing you can do to decide is take on into the training area and try it out.
Great Sword
If you like a slow weapon that packs a massive punch, the Great Sword is still the king. This is the iconic weapon of the franchise capable of high-damage charge attacks and a block. You need to be brave and account for your slow swing speeds to land a hit, but once you do, it will count.
Long Sword
A sword so long even Sephiroth would be jealous. This weapon allows you to perform perfect dodges and counterattacks more like an action game. It also has nice wide, sweeping attacks for smaller mobs and hitting multiple parts of a monster at once. Landing hits builds a spirit gauge you can spend on a special combo that buffs your attack.
Sword and Shield
If you're new to the series, this is a great weapon to start with. It has fast attacks with the sword and shield, a decent block, dodge, and is the only weapon that lets you use items without having to put your weapon away first.
Dual Blades
For something a bit more fancy, the Dual Blades are just as fast but have more layers to consider. They give you a Demon and Archdemon gauge that buffs your attack power and speed as you build each one up. If you want to be fast and aggressive, give these a whirl.
The Hammer is a lot like the Great Sword, only dealing blunt damage that can quickly tire a monster out or stun it if you target the right body parts. You're not as slow with this weapon and have a dodge, but no guard.
Hunting Horn
This weapon is one best saved for veterans or players who are part of a dedicated squad. The horn plays different tunes that buff yourself and other hunters in addition to attacks, meaning you need to pay attention to the entire battlefield and know which buffs to trigger when.
If you fancy yourself a tank, pick up the Lance. This weapon lets you attack from relative safety behind your big shield at the expense of speed and damage. What it lacks in damage, however, it makes up for in targeted damage. You can easily wound and exploit a monster's limbs with precise thrusts.
The Gunlance is basically what it says on the tin. You still have the heavy shield, but now focus on shooting explosive shells. It gives you a lot more range to work with and has a dodge.
Switch Axe
This weapon feels ripped right out of Bloodborne. You can use it as a heavy axe or transform it into a more nimble sword. Each one has their strengths, such as being able to cause explosions, but neither are the best in their class. If you want to be as versatile as possible, go with this.
Charge Blade
Another transforming weapon, the Charge Blade also has an axe mode as well as a sword and shield. Most consider this the most difficult weapon to master in the series since using one mode powers up the second and each has their own complete combo list to internalize.
Insect Glaive
Verticality is better in Monster Hunter Wilds than ever before. The Insect Glave will let you leap and sping around the environment and make mounting monsters a breeze. You will need to snag parts of monsters with your Kinsect during fights to buff yourself otherwise you will deal very little damage.
Light Bowgun
The first pure ranged weapon, this bowgun keeps you light on your feet and has a fast rate of fire for great DPS if you can keep the monster in your sights. Landing hits build up a gauge you can spend on a Rapid Fire ability to unload all at once. Just make sure you come stocked with ammo.
Heavy Bowgun
We suggest saving the Heavy Bowgun for party hunts since it is most effective from long-range while others draw aggro. You do have an auto-guard just in case, but an ideal run with this weapon will have you sniping from a distance with the correct ammo type to bring down your target.
The Bow is unique compared to the other two ranged weapons. It uses your stamina to draw and fire but encourages you to stay somewhat close since a perfect dodge will completely refill your stamina. The coolest feature, though, is the tracer shot. Once you land this, all the arrows you shoot after will home in on that spot. Eventually, the tracer explodes for even more damage.

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The best secret bosses in video games
The Moon Presence descending in Bloodborne.

Video games have been hiding secrets from us for decades. As far back as the first console generation we've been finding Easter Eggs, but developers didn't stop with simple hidden rooms or bits of text. Boss fights typically represent a barrier the player is forced to overcome to continue the story. Sometimes they're easy, but sometimes they're some of the hardest bosses in video game history. However, secret bosses are a real treat. Sometimes they represent a challenge far beyond anything the game would normally throw at the player, others serve more as jokes or fun references, or can even unlock a game's secret ending. Let's explore every nook and cranny to find all the best secret bosses in video games.
Moon Presence

FromSoftware is one of the few studios out there brave enough to hide entire levels behind obtuse secrets. There are secret bosses (usually multiple) in all of its games, but we decided to pick Moon Presence for how it both requires some arcane thinking to access and unlocks a new ending. As a Great One, most consider this the game's true final boss, but you can only fight it if you find and use one of three hidden umbilical cords before entering the final boss sequende. Then, as long as you choose to fight Gehrman and win, you can then attempt to beat Moon Presence and see a new ending. As usual, there's almost no way to figure this out on your own.

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The best Nintendo launch games, ranked
Link in promo art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

The lines between console generations have become more blurred than ever thanks to tons of cross-generation games, remakes, and remasters. However, a system's launch lineup is still very important for giving early adopters a peak at what the power of that new system can do. Nintendo consoles more than any other have provided some of the best launch games to the point that most of the best NES games, best N64 games, and best Switch games are all launch titles. Typically, launch games are overshadowed by games that come later in the generation but which ones have stood the test of time best? These are the best launch games on all Nintendo platforms, ranked.
9. Nintendogs + Cats - 3DS

The Nintendo 3DS had one of the largest launch lineups of any Nintendo system, yet was easily the weakest of them all. Nintendo didn't have its major franchises here to push its new 3D system and instead relied on games like Pilot Wings Resort, Steel Diver, and Nintendogs + Cats to hold things down until more impressive games were ready. Of that list, Nintendogs + Cats at least appeals to a select audience in a big way. This is yet another pet simulator game that took off on the original DS, only now with 3D and AR compatibility, but offered little new in terms of gameplay. While not bad, it was certainly a weak title to show off the 3DS and give people a reason to upgrade from the DS.
8. Luigi's Mansion

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