Bandai Namco’s console-styled RPG Tales of Symphonia will see a PC release via Steam in 2016, and players who pre-order the latest series entry may receive a copy free of charge.
Tales of Symphonia HD will follow up on this year’s multi-platform launch of Tales of Zestiria, which recently opened up for pre-orders on Steam. A series of reward tiers provide incentive for players to spread the word regarding the game’s upcoming release and unlock post-launch freebies in the process.
Released for the Nintendo GameCube in 2004, Tales of Symphonia is one of the most popular entries in Bandai Namco’s long-running Tales JRPG series, earning a Nintendo-backed “Player’s Choice” re-release in 2005. A direct sequel, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World hit the Nintendo Wii in 2008.
Tales of Symphonia and its sequel were recently ported to the PlayStation 3 in Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, a compilation release featuring upgraded graphics and expanded gameplay for both titles. Tales of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World are also available individually via the PlayStation Network.
Once the upcoming Tales of Zestiria reaches a pre-order threshhold on Steam, all buyers will secure a free digital copy of Tales of Symphonia HD after its launch in 2016. Additional reward tiers unlock bonus in-game content, including character costumes and weapons plucked from previous games in the series.
Several “Tales” series games have launched stateside in recent years, including Tales of Xillia 2 and Tales of Graces f for the PlayStation 3. A PS Vita title, Tales of Hearts R, debuted in North America last November.
Tales of Zestiria will launch for the PlayStation 4, PS3, and PC platforms on October 20. A release date for the PC version of Tales of Symphonia HD was not announced.