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How to unlock Jun and Reina’s Character Episodes in Tekken 8

In classic Tekken fashion, Tekken 8 is full of lore, as well as additional “what if” lore content. With a brilliant new story mode and a lot of catch-up material jam-packed into the game, there’s a lot to take in.

Accompanying all of the canon narratives of the title are Character Episodes — mini arcade mode runs that feature each character in their final matches of the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Upon completing four fights, you’re given a gorgeous cinematic ending that showcases what would happen if your selected fighter wins.

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However, you may notice that Jun and the new fighter Reina’s Character Episodes are locked upon first starting up the mode. Here’s how to unlock them.

How to unlock Jun and Reina’s Character Episodes

Kuma roaring during his stage entrance in Tekken 8
Bandai Namco

To avoid spoilers for these returning and completely new characters, their Character Episodes are the only two that are locked. To unlock them, you’ll have to finish the game’s main story mode, which introduces us to Reina and provides more details about Jin’s mother, Jun Kazama. The story has 15 chapters and can be finished in six hours or less, depending on the difficulty selected and how you play. Thankfully, it’s a great experience, so it’s no drag at all to complete.

DeAngelo Epps
Former Digital Trends Contributor
De'Angelo Epps is a gaming writer passionate about the culture, communities, and industry surrounding gaming. His work ranges…
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