It’s time to get back to Fabletown. After the unexpected final moment of episode 1 in Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us, based on Bill Willingham’s Fables comic book series, there’s now a plan to launch episode 2 in the first week of February. The series kicked off way, way (way) back in the middle of October 2013, and fans have rightly wondered why Telltale’s typical “one-per-month-ish” release plan fell so far behind with getting the second episode out. The post from studio co-founder Kevin Bruner confirming the February 2014 release also offers a few words on the reason for the delay.
“We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays),” he wrote. “I won’t dive into the details, but it’s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.” It’s worth mentioning that we’ve reached out to Telltale for more specifics, but we’re not expecting much additional info if this is all Bruner would share.
In any event, the first week of February is great news. There’s no date set, but the Telltale announcement notes that the team is “working hard” with all of its partners – “Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple” – to get the multi-platform episode release locked in for that timeframe.