Sony designed the television to look like all but a “work of art” on your wall, as Sony Electronics President Mike Fasulo told Digital Trends during a live interview on Friday. The sound actually emanates from the display itself through something called Acoustic Surface, a new technology being debuted in the XBR-A1E.
Those at DigitalTrends who have seen the TV up close say that the sound quality is surprisingly immersive, supplemented by an innovative 4-inch subwoofer placed in the stand behind the TV itself. Picture quality is impressive too, with the darkest blacks and whitest whites stunningly vivid, yet not to the point where they cause discomfort when watching for long periods of time.
“The dynamic range is just unbelievable,” Fasulo said of the television. While no pricing of the television or availability was announced, we do know that the set itself will come in 55-inch, 65-inch, and 75-inch model sizes.
Besides the TV, Fasulo brought with him to the Digital Trends stage several of the more than 25 different new products the company is showing off at this year’s CES. They include Bluetooth-enabled speakers that use NFC to allow you to “tap to play” your music, as well as a pair of innovative noise-canceling headphones that let the user cup an earphone to hear ambient noise without having to take them off.
Finally, Fasulo demoed for one of the first times in public a prototype of completely wireless earbuds that the company is working on. While he declined to share details, it appears as if the earbuds will have battery life comparable to its wireless headphones, which currently last about 20 hours or so.