If you are looking for a way to forestall the disapproving glances you know you are going to get with every dentist’s visit, you may want to consider seeking out a smart toothbrush. And at the top of your list of options ought to be the Oclean One, a new sonic smart toothbrush that claims to allow the user to “fully customize his or her experience” by adjusting cleaning modes, intensities, and duration, all by way of a mobile app.
The sleek design of the Oclean will certainly encourage you to use it as much as possible (after all, you want your teeth looking as attractive as your brush). With its Kotl sonic vibrator, Pedex and DuPont bristles, and a long-lasting 2,600mAh LG battery (which means it can last up to two months on a single charge), this toothbrush promises both form and functionality.
So what makes the Oclean smart? Apparently, this toothbrush features a built-in gyroscope capable of detecting motion, angle, and pressure. The brush’s chipset uses an intelligent algorithm to analyze this data and will give you feedback on how to improve your brushing habits. The Oclean will connect to your smartphone by way of Dialog Bluetooth 4.2 and also comes with a unique water-resistant loudspeaker. This way, your toothbrush can actually tell you what to do.
When it comes to cleaning your teeth, choose from among six preset modes or unlimited personalized options by way of a combination of various configurations. You can select whether you prefer sensitive, soft, standard, or strong intensity, and decide if you would rather clean, whiten, or massage your teeth. And if you’re really trying to be your dentist’s favorite patient, you can set the time of the Oclean to up to four minutes (though you want to be careful in that case not to brush your enamel away).
If you are looking to keep your toothbrush clean (as you must, if you are seeking to keep your teeth clean), the Oclean will do half the work for you. The body of the brush is “effectively anti-bacterial and anti-fouling,” and is fully waterproof, which means you can dunk the whole thing in the sink.
The Oclean toothbrush is now available on Indiegogo, where early-bird backers will be able to snag their dental device for $69. Shipments are expected to begin in November. If you wait, however, the price will go up to $129 when the Oclean hits store shelves.
Update: The Oclean is now available for pre-order on Indiegogo for $69.