OnePlus has just launched its latest flagship, the OnePlus 13, alongside its budget sibling, the OnePlus 13R. As well as packing a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor and both an IP68 and IP69 rating that allows you to use the phone in the shower, it looks like we can expect great things from the OnePlus 13's 6.82-inch screen, particularly when it comes to the refresh rate.
Does the OnePlus 13 have a 120Hz refresh rate?
The OnePlus 13's screen looks set to impress, with a 2K resolution and peak brightness of 4,500 nits. It's the refresh rate we're most excited about, however. The flagship phone's display will boast a variable refresh rate of between 1Hz to 120Hz. That means the phone adjusts its refresh rate to suit the content displayed on the screen, ensuring a smoother display and saving battery life.
Does the OnePlus 13R have a 120Hz refresh rate?
The OnePlus 13R may retail for only $600, but we can confirm that the successor to the OnePlus 12R will also pack a variable 1 to 120Hz refresh rate, just like its flagship sibling and predecessor. This time around, expect a 6.78-inch AMOLED screen with 2,780 x 1,264 resolution and a peak brightness of 4,500 nits.
How higher refresh rates evolved and their benefits
Whether you're planning to pick up the OnePlus 13 or OnePlus 13R, or you have your eye on another 120Hz device, how much do you really know about the benefits of higher refresh rates and why you should shop for a device that offers them?