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how to save text messages

Is Apple about to announce iMessage for Android?

Besides Apple Music and a couple of others, Apple has never really gone in for offering its own apps to Android users. A report Thursday, however, suggests it could be about to announce its iMessage chat service for Google's mobile platform.
how to save text messages

Patent troll VirnetX demands shutdown of Apple’s FaceTime and iMessage

A patent troll called VirnetX just won a $626 million patent dispute with Apple, however the company is now trying to have iMessage and FaceTime shut down.
apple imessage facetime patent infringement

Apple sued to the tune of $2.8 billion over alleged patent infringements

Apple is accused of patent infringement by VoIP-Pal, which sued the former for $2.8 billion in a U.S. District Court in Las Vegas.
how to save text messages

PieMessage brings Apple’s iMessage to Android, but there’s a catch

iMessage is a great messaging app, but unfortunately, it's only available on Apple products. PieMessage, however, brings iMessage to Android devices.
how to save text messages

Apple just fixed an iMessage bug that researchers called easily exploitable

It turns out that for a while, your chat history was not altogether safe, but luckily, all wrongs have been righted thanks to an OS X update.

Signal, the open-source encrypted messaging app, is now available for desktop

Designed by a non-profit group of dedicated Internet privacy activists, Signal is an open-source encrypted messenger app that wants to rival Whatsapp.
The MacBook Air sitting on a table.

OS X 10.11.4 update might break FaceTime and iMessage

In the wake of the Apple event earlier this week, users are reporting issues logging into FaceTime and iMessage on OS X.
despite fbi whining imessage isnt invincible after all researcher claims security mem2

Despite Apple’s push for encryption, iMessage remains insecure

Despite Apple pushing hard against the FBI for better encryption, a professor and his pupils at John Hopkins University have made an alarming discovery.
how to save text messages

Apple promises to patch iMessage encryption flaw with iOS 9.3

Researchers discovered a flaw in Apple's iMessage encryption, which would allow hackers to gain access to photos and videos. Apple says a fix is in iOS 9.3
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Judge finds Apple didn't violate wiretap laws in failing to deliver iMessages to Android phones

A federal judge has dismissed a suit alleging that Apple, in retaining and failing to deliver iMessages to Android phones, violated the law.
how to save text messages

Apple concerned that UK Snooper’s Charter will hurt law-abiding citizens

Apple has voiced its opinion on the U.K. Snooper's Charter, a bill that comprehensively changes Internet privacy and security. 
Apple Music

Apple job listing teases further ventures into the world of Android

With Apple already set to release Apple Music for Android this fall, the company might look to release more of its apps for Google's mobile platform.
how to save text messages

Despite FBI whining, iMessage isn’t invincible after all, researcher claims

The FBI has claimed that criminals are "going dark" behind a wall of encryption, but security researchers aren't convinced.
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AT&T and Google want access to the secret docs in Apple’s iMessage suit

Apple is under fire for an iMessage error that resulted in lost text messages for users who switched from iOS to Android.
uk will not ban encryption david cameron

Decode this: The U.K. says it doesn’t want to ban encryption after all

UK Prime Minister David Cameron says he does not intend to ban encrypted messaging apps despite his earlier statements to the contrary.
apple boosts security for imessage and facetime how to use updated feature copy

iMessage and FaceTime security boosted with extra layer of protection

Apple has boosted security for iMessage and FaceTime by adding another layer of protection using an app-specific password. The system will start working for those who've already enabled two-step authentication with their Apple ID accounts.
windows 10 will turn skype microsofts imessage in

New screenshots show how Skype will work in Windows 10

With Skype in Windows 10, Microsoft is looking for one communications platform to rule them all across desktop, Web and mobile — and it's been showing off preview images to prove it.
apple imessage facetime patent infringement

iMessage: Judge orders Apple to face lawsuit over disappearing text messages

Apple's iMessage problem just won't go away. After rolling out a fix for a long-running issue where text messages were going missing for users switching to Android from iOS, a judge has ruled that the tech giant must now face a lawsuit over the problem.
apple imessage facetime patent infringement

How to (mostly) fix the Apple iMessage bug on iPhone

Apple has finally provided a solution to the iMessage bug plaguing people who dump Apple phones for something new. Here's how to deregister your iMessages.
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Apple has fixed the big bug with iMessage, sort of

Missing text messages has been a problem for some ex-iPhone users ever since Apple launched its iMessage app back in 2011. Now, with the launch over the weekend of a new Web tool, Apple is hoping to finally put the issue to bed.
apples imessage fix coming

Apple’s iMessage fix could end headaches if you move to Android

Apple may fix a major bug in iMessage that has plagued platform switchers for years. Now, your friends' iMessages won't drift into a void. Read more here.
want text flights southwest offers less expensive imessage plan

Want to text on flights? Southwest offers an inexpensive iMessage plan

Ideal for iPhone and iPad owners, Southwest has launched access to a new service on planes that enables Apple's iMessage for the entire flight.
apple imessage problems to be fixed in upcoming ios 7 update messages

Apple acknowledges iMessage issues, promises fix in upcoming iOS 7 update

Two weeks after some users of Apple's iMessage app began complaining of issues with the software, the tech giant has finally acknowledged the problem, promising a fix in an upcoming iOS 7 software update.

Do not use iMessage Chat for Android – it’s not safe [Updated]

The iMessage Chat for Android app, available through Google Play, has serious security flaws, according to security researchers and developers.

Here’s why your email is insecure and likely to stay that way

Email is the Internet's original killer app, but it wasn't designed with security or privacy in mind. Can email ever be truly secure?

Apple services offline: iCloud, iMessage, iTunes down for some users

Several of Apple's most popular online services - iCloud, iMessage, and iTunes Music - have been inoperable for some users starting around midnight on August 22. Our report on what's down.

Need an on-the-go GIF fix? Stilly auto-uploads your creations to Tumblr and iMessage

Auto-upload your homemade GIFs to Tumblr with Stilly - just keep that hand steady.
Who will rule the post-texting world? In search of the ultimate messaging app

Who will rule the post-texting world? In search of the ultimate messaging app

We roundup the best messaging apps and chat clients for mobile and desktop in a face off to determine the king of chat. Will it be Skype, WhatsApp, BBM, or someone else?
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Is it the end of the road for SMS?

It did a good job edging out our phone call frequency, but now carrier-provided text messages are being run over by less expensive and more secure options.
7 trillion texts expected to be sent next year texting

Text messaging is dying, report shows

If a recent decline in the number of text messages sent is any indication, the days of over-priced texting plans may soon come to an end.

Apple borrows from BlackBerry, Android, and WP7 with iOS 5

There's no question that the mass amount of new features Apple will introduce with iOS 5 are impressive. Question is, are they original?

Apple surprised iPhone carriers with iMessage

Apple's new iOS-to-iOS messaging service iMessage may have come as a surprise to wireless carriers of the iPhone, reports indicate.