It has been three years since T-Mobile launched its first “un-carrier” move — an end to two-year contracts. To celebrate, the magenta company has created a “Wireless Bill of Rights” on behalf of wireless customers.
T-Mobile posted a video blog, in which CEO John Legere commands people to “demand” their carriers enforce the rights of every wireless customer.
“Just look how long it took Verizon and AT&T to end two-year service contracts,” Legere said in the video. “They don’t seem to care that their customers deserve better, that they have some basic, common-sense rights. So here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to stand up for your wireless rights, whether you’re a T-Mobile customer or not.”
The Wireless Bill of Rights from T-Mobile includes: No service contracts and no overage penalties, the ability to replace your phone when you want, keep the data you paid for, stream music and video without using all your data, roam without spending too much for international service, coverage without limits, and no-haggle business pricing.
Legere wants people to tweet the eight wireless commandments to their respective carriers, and add the hashtag #TweetJohn, so they know who sent them. An emoji of Legere will also pop up in your tweet, as the CEO is the second person to receive his very own emoji from Twitter. The first was Pope Francis.
If #TweetJohn hits 500,000 tweets, the un-carrier will physically write each tweet outside various AT&T and Verizon stores around the country in magenta chalk.
“There’s no debate about this stuff anymore,” Legere said. “It’s time to hold this arrogant industry accountable and stand up for your wireless rights.”