If you love the Marvel Cinematic Universe — like, really, really love it — AMC Theaters has a special offer for you. Two days before Avengers: Endgame wraps up the storyline that started in 2008’s Iron Man, AMC will host a 22-movie marathon featuring every single film in the MCU — and it’ll only take you 60 hours to watch them all.
AMC’s MCU marathon will take place on 12 screens across America, including theaters in New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. The marathon will start at 8 a.m. on April 23 and end with an Avengers: Endgame screening on April 25, which will begin an hour before other public showings begin. Attendees will also receive special “marathon-only collectibles” and deals at theater concession stands. Tickets and pricing information aren’t available yet, but the AMC website calls the marathon a “premium event,” so expect it to cost a little bit more than your average movie ticket.
According to AMC, viewing every film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will take 59 hours and seven minutes. It looks like the films will screen in release order, with Iron Man kicking off the proceedings, followed by The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and so on.
Sitting through two-and-a-half days’ worth of movies in a single sitting is a massive undertaking, but for anyone who wants to see Avengers: Endgame early, AMC’s marathon might be your best shot. Tickets for the widely anticipated film went on sale this morning and set sales records almost immediately, although the high demand for seats crashed AMC’s website and caused other technical problems at online retailers like Atom and Fandango.
Avengers: Endgame is the second half of the story that began in last year’s Avengers: Infinity War and details the Avengers’ attempts to cope with the aftermath of Thanos’ infamous “snap,” which eradicated half of the living beings in the universe. Reports indicate that founding Avengers Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Hulk will be Endgame‘s focus, where they’ll be joined by the MCU’s newest addition, Captain Marvel.
If you want to catch up on the Marvel Universe before Endgame but can’t spend 2.5 days in a movie theater, check out our recap, which lays out everything that happened between Captain America: The First Avenger and Infinity War. You won’t get to brag about sitting through 22 movies in a row, but you also won’t have to eat popcorn for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.