“What’s this? What’s this? There’s color everywhere.” So begins the signature song from the beloved holiday classic The Nightmare Before Christmas, a stop-motion animated film that has continued to enchant viewers ever since it was released in 1993. The story of Halloween Town’s Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington, and his discovery of the candy cane-colored splendor of Christmas Town, sprang from the warped minds of Tim Burton, who produced and wrote the story for the film, and Henry Selick, who directed it.
The rare holiday film that’s perfect for both Christmas and Halloween, The Nightmare Before Christmas has become a traditional staple for families and jaded Gen Xers to watch around December. But where can you watch it?
Where is The Nightmare Before Christmas streaming?
If you want to see Jack and his ragdoll girlfriend, Sally, as well as the sinister Doctor Finkelstein and the groovy boogeyman Oogie Boogie, head to Disney+ to begin streaming.
Launched in November 2019, Disney Plus has become a leading stalwart in the streaming service space. Boasting one of the best libraries of movies and TV shows around — including some of the best original series from the likes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars franchises — Disney+ has shot up to 129.8 million subscribers worldwide as of February 2022. That puts it toe-to-toe with the likes of Netflix, Apple TV+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, and others.
Despite a library that isn’t quite as large as that of Netflix, Disney+ makes up for it in quality. It’s the exclusive streaming platform for a significant portion of Disney’s massive content archive and the only place to see new originals like Andor, Obi-wan Kenobi, The Mandalorian, Hawkeye, and WandaVision. Plus, with content from National Geographic and deals that can also net you Hulu and ESPN+ for one price, Disney+ is a formidable service.
When does it stream for subscribers?
The Nightmare Before Christmas is currently streaming on Disney+.
Stream The Nightmare Before Christmas on Disney+How much does it cost?
At just $8 per month and $80 for the year, with no ads (rising to $11 and $110 on December 8, 2022), it’s more affordable than Netflix ($15.50 per month) and HBO Max ($15 per month). And the Disney Bundle (there are now several versions) is a great deal, the most basic of which gives you Disney+ (no ads), Hulu, and ESPN+ with ads for just $15. Disney+ shows no signs of slowing down and is more popular than ever.
Is it worth watching The Nightmare Before Christmas?
Yes! This is one of those holiday classics that’s ostensibly meant for kids, but anyone can enjoy it. And even though other excellent stop-motion animated films have been made since — like Coraline (also by Selick) and The Corpse Bride — there’s nothing that quite compares to this one.
Part of that reason is the visuals, which are just stunning. It’s the rare animated film that was nominated for Best Visual Effects at the Academy Awards (it lost to Jurassic Park). Another reason is the stacked vocal cast, which is peppered with stars and character actor veterans like Schitt’s Creek‘s Catherine O’Hara, film composter Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon, William Hickey, and Pee-Wee Herman himself, Paul Reubens
On Rotten Tomatoes, The Nightmare Before Christmas registers 95% on the Tomatometer and an 91% audience score. The movie is 75 minutes long.
Stream The Nightmare Before Christmas on Disney+ today.