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Trends with Benefits: Note 7 owners get paid to stick with Samsung, Sony ships PlayStation VR

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Our latest weekly episode of Trends with Benefits features Naomi Vo, Caleb Denison, Rick Stella and Greg Nibler.

Our topics this week:

Samsung wants to pay you for your Note: As Samsung struggles with the fallout from the Note 7, they are offering to pay customers a credit to return them. What does this mean for the Note line of phones how can they win back your trust?

PlayStation VR launch: The new VR system from PlayStation is receiving some pretty stellar reviews. What does it included and is this the system that finally brings Virtual Reality to the masses?

Atari founder’s adventure into VR: Noah Bushnell is one of the founders of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese (who knew!?) and has just come out with brand new VR system, called Modal VR. The goal is to create a multiple player VR experience that can work with up to 900,000 square feet of space!

Google Home vs Amazon Echo: Google seems primed to sweep into a number of burgeoning tech markets, including the Home sector. Google Home is a prime competitor to Amazon Echo and we go into the facets that may put them over the edge.

Facebook “Trending” algorithm gets fooled: After removing the human factor in curating news stories for “Trending”, Facebook is facing a backlash regarding fake articles. Can their algorithm be adjusted, or is a human editor necessary?

Stopping Mosquito bites with Science: If you are one of those people that ALWAYS gets bitten by Mosquitoes, you will understand the excitement here. Scientists have taken the first steps toward determine what “flavor” humans are to mosquitoes, in order to make us invisible.

Don’t forget to enter our great contest for a chance to win an Acer Predator 17 X gaming laptop!

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Please don’t forget to check out our other live-streamed shows, Between the Streams and Close to the Metal!

Greg Nibler
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Greg has worked as a Host, Producer, and Writer in radio and television since the early 2000s, working for such companies as…
TWB Podcast: SpaceX triumph, Spotify vs. Apple Music, Apple Watch health
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SpaceX has reinvigorated space exploration: There can be no doubt that putting a cherry red Tesla Roadster into space, as part of the Falcon Heavy X rocket launch on 2/ 5/18, captured the world's attention. It showcased what vision, ability, talent and a whole lot of money, can accomplish. The question now is what will Elon Musk do next? One would imagine that investors are clamoring to pour more money into future projects. This was also the world's greatest ad campaign for Tesla, for which there are some pretty bold plans in their own right. A letter was sent to shareholders stating that they are planning to send an autonomous Tesla car on a coast-to-coast trip in 2018.

Spotify vs. Apple: When it comes to overall users, there is no question that Spotify is the current leader in streaming music services. They have millions more subscribers (approximately 70 million total) than their closest rivals. However, Apple Music is now claiming to have 36 million of their own and according to the Wall Street Journal, is growing at nearly double the rate of Spotify. So, who do you use for streaming music and why?

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