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Social Media Guides

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How to get your guests’ faces out of their phones this Thanksgiving

Sick of dinners where everyone's texting, Instagramming, Facebooking away? Then these tips could help you have a more personable Thanksgiving.
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Everything you need to know about Facebook’s reasserted right to use your content in ads

Facebook took steps to further clarify what it can and can't use in ads - this mostly means it can and it will use whatever it wants.

Check out the evolution of the Twitter logo

Wonder what Twitter looked like before we all knew what Twitter was? Here are some of the earliest attempts at a logo.
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See what it feels like to tweet from a stranger’s Twitter account

We spend a lot of time crafting our online personas - but this artist is challenging this with a new project that gives up control to his Twitter account.
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You can now share animated GIFs on Twitter – sort of, kind of

The Internet has heard our prayers and answered them: GIFs are now available on Twitter, via Giphy.
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Everything you need to know about creating a custom Twitter timeline

Twitter has just released a new custom timeline feature, allowing you to pull in tweets by topic, event, or interest.
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Everything you need to know about Mobli, the Instagram competitor with deep pockets

Does the world really need another Instagram competitor? Super-billionaire Carlos Slim thinks it does.
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Google launches Helpouts, a video marketplace – here’s what we know so far

Google launched a new live video marketplace today.
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Calling all procrastinators: These are the best Halloween costumes you can print

In a last minute costume bind? Here are some options that require nothing but paper, scissors, string, and a printer.
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Getting to know my fake Facebook friends

After a swam of too-similar fake friend requests filled up Facebook, I tried to find the thread connecting them.
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The story of the ultimate Hallow-meme costume you never knew about – and can never have

Wondering what Internet meme or trope to be for Halloween? Well here's the one costume you'll wish you could buy.
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Everything you need to know about a little app called FBStalker

A new app called FBStalker can find all your weaknesses, but there's a bright side to this devious software.
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How to become your favorite meme in time for Halloween

Need a quick, Internet-beloved costume and need it fast? Here's a quick guide full of ideas for a meme-related costume as well as how to make it.

Celebrate Hallowmeme with one of these truly iconic, Internet-inspired costumes

If Internet memes are where you get your pop culture fix, then look no further than this round up for your Halloween costume.
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This start-up wants to makes GIFs better, faster, stronger, and less data-heavy

GIFs are beloved because they're awesome, but they can also be awesomely slow. A new service hopes to bring them up to speed.
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Going … going … gone viral: The best new memes this side of the Internet

A lot of funny has been hitting the Internet lately, in various forms. Check out the top new memes going viral this week.
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This new widget lets you embed entire Facebook Albums

Want to show your non-Facebook friends some photos from the social network? Here's how you do it, courtesy of a new widget.
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The NYC vs. Airbnb saga continues with a subpoena demanding user information

New York's beef with rental site Airbnb is not over. It wants data on users who are potential violators of a state law prohibiting short-term leases.
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Love your city? Want free stuff? Here’s how to become a Google City Expert

The Google City Experts program is one of the best features on Google+, and you can take advantage of it in a few easy steps.
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A few quick and easy ways to help your parents use the Internet

It's an incredibly tough and sometimes frustrating ordeal to answer your parents' questions about the ways of the Internet. Let us help you.
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Co-founder drama, burning cash and more secrets revealed by Twitter’s IPO filing

Twitter's going public, and that means revealing more than ever about about company's strategy and financials. Want the interesting bits?
Facebook AI EYNTK main

Nobody panic! Facebook’s artificial intelligence just wants to know how you’re feeling

Facebook is undertaking an ambitious artificial intelligence project. Here's everything you need to know.
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Want to know what data Facebook has on you? A primer on what you get and how to get it

Want to know exactly what Facebook knows about you? Here's everything you need to know about your data, as well as how to request and download it.
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Watch out, Grumpy Cat! These are the newly famous felines ready to steal your spotlight

Could one of these felines be the new Grumpy Cat? Only time - and Instagram - will tell!
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Who knew porn fans love delivery food? Well… everyone, but Eat24 made it pay

Advertisers tend to avoid racy platforms, but a food delivery service decided to embrace porn websites -- and gained a new crop of loyal customers.

Snapchat deems it acceptable for you to have more best friends

If you habitually send snaps to more than three people at a time, there's a secret code you can use to increase your number of featured friends.

Sub-Spotifying is the latest way to let technology passive aggressively flirt for you

Why sign up for an online dating service when you can sub-Spotify?
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The GIF guide to commenting on all the most cliche Facebook posts

Now that you can use GIFs on Facebook, let's talk about comment responses.
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Thanks for ruining the best new GIF gallery with porn, pervs

.GIF Hell is a new tool that shows you all the trending animated GIFs... unfortunately all the porn means it's on temporary hiatus.
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Keep your collection bin of reactionary GIFs up-to-date with this new Chrome extension

Need an easier way to save all the animated GIFs you come across? helps you do it in one click.
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Science says Facebook’s bumming you out, so here are 4 quick fixes

Facebook bumming you out? According to science, the answer is yes. But you don't have to delete your account to get happy just yet - here's a couple of DIY fixes.
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This week’s top 10 dumbest online drug dealers

Oh, Internet - sometimes you make it hard to respect you. Actually, it's just idiots like this who peddle pills online giving you a bad rep.
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Want to know what (and who) to avoid on Tinder? The Internet has your back

Tinder is quickly becoming the online dating app of choice, but some people on it are so cringe-worthy, you may want to rethink online dating altogether.
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YouTube has an ad malware problem – here’s how to avoid it

Don't let adware peddlers make watching ads on YouTube even more annoying than usual.