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Social Media Guides


Facebook teaches users how to opt out of photo recognition

With users and politicians concerned about Facebook using photo recognition for automatic photo tagging, the social media giant is rolling out a tutorial via advertisements on opting out of the feature.

How to search Google+

Why Google+ doesn't already have search is a little baffling, but there are a handful of ways to implement the feature without waiting on an official update.
privacy policies google vs facebook projects

Privacy policies: Google+ vs. Facebook

Of all the comparisons between the two, how the privacy differences between Google+ and Facebook stack up might end up being the most important.
facebook with skype vs google hangout hands on comparison video chat plus fp

Facebook with Skype vs. Google+ Hangout: Hands-on comparison

Video chat is old hat, but both Google and Facebook have put a new twist on an familiar concept. We pit Facebook with Skype vs. Google+ Hangout in a hands-on comparison.
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Google+ vs. Facebook: Video chat and key features compared

Wondering which social network to invest your time in, Google+ vs. Facebook? Check out this comprehensive feature-by-feature comparison of the two vicious rivals, from video chat to contact management, photos, and more.
facebooks awesome product is video chat from skype facebook fp

Facebook’s ‘awesome’ product is video chat from Skype

Facebook has deeply integrated Skype into its site, bringing the chat client's simple and popular video calling system directly to your profile page.

How to get a Google+ invite right now

Forget waiting for Google to open up its new social network to the public. Here's how to get a Google+ invite right now.

Sina Weibo aims to take down Twitter with US version

China's popular microblogging service Sina Weibo will reportedly launch an English-language version this Summer to compete with Twitter in the US.

How to use social networking sites to find your next job

We know you already spend exorbitant amounts of time on social networking sites, so kill two birds with one stone and use these applications to turn that time into (eventually) money.
selective censorship how to prepare your facebook for college admissions carousel fb

Selective censorship: How to prepare your Facebook for college admissions

Somewhere between sending in personal essays and accruing community service, college hopefuls now must prepare their Facebook accounts for university scrutiny. Here's how to tidy up your high school debauchery and put your best face(book) forward.

Best of Quora: Social media insiders spilling secrets

From explaining Mark Zuckerberg's mysterious trips to China to the sudden death of UberTwitter, the best Quora topics highlight social media insiders spilling the secrets outsiders were never meant to know.
mark zuckerberg files a restraining order against facebook stalker

Mark Zuckerberg files restraining order against Facebook stalker

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg files a restraining order against a stalker to keep him away from him, his sister Randi Zucker, and his girlfriend Priscilla Chan.