Are Android devices really easier to hack than their iOS-based counterparts? Will a magnet actually destroy your hard drive? Find answers to those questions and more in our ‘Ask an Expert’ series.
Do you always leave your computer on? Should you turn it off at night? What are the benefits and problems associated with each scenario? We asked the experts.
There’s no denying the convenience of wireless charging, but as more and more of us ditch the cables some fears have emerged about the potential impact on battery longevity. We decided to ask some experts and find out the truth about the impact of wireless charging on your battery.
The idea that our smartphones might charge in our pockets, or smartwatches might charge up on our wrists, is appealing, but how close are we to a world without wires? True wireless charging is creeping closer, but there still some big barriers to overcome. We spoke to experts at Energous and Ossia to find out more.
The app explosion drove the humble smartphone to giddy heights, but just how often do people use apps, what do they use, and how much time do they spend on them? We asked App Annie CEO, Bertrand Schmitt, all that and more.
You may assume positive app store reviews are a sign of quality and vice versa, but that’s not always true. We look at whether you can trust app store reviews.
Apple’s Face ID is a headline feature in the iPhone X. Facial recognition may take over from fingerprints, but does it offer advantages and is it secure?
We delve into the world of mobile payments and grill some experts on why they’ve yet to see widespread use. Are people worried about security, availability, technical issues, or is it something else entirely?
The world’s most widely-used mobile operating system has a reputation for malware and vulnerabilities, but is it deserved? We spoke to some experts to find out.
There’s a lot of hyperbole about the negative impact of smartphones on conversations. Are we really losing our conversational skills and choosing text over face-to-face chats?
Are you worried about your smartphone eavesdropping on your conversations? We spoke to some experts to find out whether you should be, and to learn what you can do to safeguard your privacy.
The Galaxy Note 7 and other gadgets that catch fire and burst into flames underscore a problem with safety certifications like UL and CE: Them don't mean as much as you think.
When is your child ready to own a smartphone? It’s a difficult question for many parents. We asked some experts and gathered some stats to help you decide.
We’ve investigated the age ratings of VR headsets and talked to optometrists and vision experts to find out if VR is safe for children. These are the potential risks of using VR for kids.
Many of us wear fitness trackers 24/7, so they can collect data on our activity, but there’s a danger that someone else could access that information. How secure are fitness trackers and what are the risks? We asked an expert.
Are your kids constantly glued to a tablet, smartphone, or TV? Do you know what they’re watching? We asked an expert how much screen time is too much.
Internet usage has never been higher and many of us will take a decent connection wherever we can find it, but are we putting ourselves at risk by using public Wi-Fi networks? We decided to ask an expert.
Are you curious about the impact of blue light on your sleeping pattern? Using smartphones and tablets before bed can have a pronounced negative effect. We’ve been investigating what you can do about it.
How do advertisers and other entities track our online activity? We asked an expert what's going on behind the scenes and what else our data could be used for beyond targeted ads.