After a rocky start, all Oculus Rift pre-orders have been sent out, headsets are now shipping in two to four business days, and more good news for Touch.
Pokemon Go is quickly becoming one of the most popular mobiles games on the market, but a security issue may slow growth unless Niantic can plug the leak
Acer’s gigantic Z35 is an instant stunner, but building a gaming monitor requires balancing features, resolution, and refresh. Acer may have missed the mark on at least one of them.
AMD's new RX 480 is awesome, but it wouldn't be a major GPU launch if there weren't drama surrounding it. In this case, it could endanger your whole system.
Isolating a computer from every network may seem like a sure-fire method of keeping files safe - until researchers use your system's own fans to betray it.
It's tough to show people who haven't tried VR what room-scale looks like, but with a green screen and a little elbow grease, you can come pretty close.
While VR begins to develop into a more mature market, HTC is shipping most Vives within 24 hours, with over 240 titles available. Turns out the secret was just giving the people what they want.
While consoles tend to dominate the E3 landscape, AMD's PC Gaming Show is coming into its own in its second year, with announcements from unlikely places.
PC gaming often takes a bit of a back seat at E3 due to the major press conferences from Microsoft and Sony, but there's still plenty to be excited about.
When it comes to connected technology, nothing is sacred. These Yaoat sneakers track movement for gaming, fitness, and calorie tracking, and they light up!
Intel’s newest NUC looks the part with its intimidating skull logo, but whether it’s fast enough to satisfy serious – or casual -- gamers is another issue entirely.
The latest and greatest from Intel sets a new bar for consumer CPU power, with a whopping ten cores, and new features to maximize overclocking and performance. The only question is, can you afford it?
While the Core i7-6700K satisfied some, true performance seekers knew there was something better on the horizon. They were right, and Broadwell-E is here.
We spent a few minutes playing with Asus' liquid-cooled gaming laptop back in October, but now the internals are official and the price is set at $5,000
At the Google I/O Keynote, the team revealed its new mobile VR standard, Daydream. After day two, we have a clearer picture of how that's going to work.
Nvidia, and the rest of the PC gaming world, is excited as can be about the new GTX 1080. Now the benchmarks are in, and there's more to be excited for.
Minecraft for GearVR is already an excellent experience, but Virtuix is now showing off compatibility with the Omni, so you can walk around inside the game.
The research team at Microsoft has discovered a way to cut back on VR sickness and dizziness, and it doesn't take much more than some LEDs and ingenuity.
With an overclocked Intel Core i7 and a GTX 980 Ti, the AVADirect Avant takes high-end performance and shaves some of the cost off the top -- but can it keep up with more heavily customized competitors?
While the PC world is eagerly awaiting confirmation of Nvidia's new GPUs, alleged benchmarks from the upcoming GTX 1080 have snuck out onto the open Web.