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Latest by Imad Khan

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'Minecraft: Pocket Edition' to cease updates on Windows Mobile phones

According to Windows Central, sources confirmed that Minecraft: Pocket Edition will no longer receive updates on Windows Mobile devices.
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Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury cars recalled due to faulty Takata airbags

More than 800,000 Ford vehicles have been recalled due to faulty Takata airbags, The airbags can expel bits of shrapnel.
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Spinning the color wheel: Glacier White PS4 coming, but not to the U.S.

The new PS4 looks like the redesigned, slimmer, version of the PS4 released in September of last year, but is available in glacier white.
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President Obama believes clean energy momentum is too great to reverse

Obama believes the momentum for clean energy initiatives worldwide is too great for any incoming administration to try and reverse it.
nes classic game boy

Japan’s Kei Studio modifies an NES Classic Edition to fit inside a Game Boy

A Japanese video game modder has crammed the Famicom version of the NES Classic Edition inside a classic Game Boy shell.
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Modders hack ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ and bring in Liberty City

If you miss roaming around Liberty City from 'Grand Theft Auto IV,' these modders just released a teaser trailer showing off the Liberty City cityscape.

FCC filing says you can’t swap out the battery on the Nintendo Switch

Recent FCC filings show that the battery on the Nintendo Switch cannot be swapped out, limiting the handheld console's on-the-go lifespan.
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Elon Musk hints that Tesla’s new Superchargers might be insanely fast

Tesla's next generation Superchargers should dramatically decrease charge time, and greatly reduce range anxiety.
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Republicans propose bill to impose fines for live-streaming from House floor

Republicans in the House of Representatives proposed a bill that will impose a fine for live-streaming from the House floor.
knack 2 reveal

‘Knack’ is back in a puzzling sequel for Playstation 4

A sequel to the PlayStation 4 launch title Knack was revealed at the PlayStation Experience in Anaheim California, and with it comes co-op multiplayer.
marvel vs capcom infinite reveal mvc

Watch Iron Man fight Mega Man in new 'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite' trailer

After a five-year hiatus, Marvel vs. Capcom is back with a new subtitle -- Infinite -- trailer showed off fan favorites like Iron Man and Mega Man
uncharted the lost legacy trailer chloe

Naughty Dog announces ‘Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’ stand-alone DLC

The new standalone story mode for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has been announced. Titled The Lost Legacy, it will follow Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross.
last of us part ii reveal ellie

Ellie is older and angrier in 'The Last of Us: Part II' reveal trailer

At the PlayStation Experience in Anaheim, California, Studio Naughty Dog unveiled the reveal trailer for The Last of Us: Part II
new ford focus ads features sailor moon 27284494746 6254c9b0c2 k

New Ford ad features ‘Sailor Moon’ pitching the latest Focus

Ford has partnered up with 4Licensing Corporation to have anime icon Sailor Moon upsell the new Ford Focus
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Ubisoft celebrates 30th anniversary by making ‘Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon’ free later this month

Ubisoft will be giving away Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon for free later this month to PC gamers.
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HTC Vive arcades to offer consumers in the U.S., China, and Europe a taste of VR

HTC will be launching new arcades across the US, China, and Europe titled Viveport to introduce VR to the masses
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Microsoft drops 100,000 apps from German and Italian Windows Stores

Microsoft has dropped 100,000 apps from the German and Italian Windows Stores due to lack of updates.
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Highly popular ‘Sonic CD’ free on iOS for a limited time

Sega has made Sonic CD, one of the best 2D Sonic games ever, free for iOS user for a limited time, with ads.
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EA Blocks the entire country of Myanmar from using Origin, citing U.S. sanctions

Due to U.S. sanctions, gamers in Myanmar have lost access to their entire digital library on EA's Origin service.
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Oculus Touch pre-orders go live, giving buyers a motion-control option

Facebook's Oculus Rift will finally let users pre-order the Oculus Touch motion controllers.
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‘Cyberpunk 2077’ to eclipse open world of ‘The Witcher 3,’ offer seamless multiplayer

CD Projekt Red's next game Cyberpunk 2077 will have a massive open world and seamless multiplayer.
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En garde: Competitive 2D jousting-racing game ‘Nidhogg’ will get sequel

Developer Messhoff has unexpectedly announced a follow-up to the popular indie jousting game in Nidhogg 2, and is expected to release sometime in 2017.
The Witcher 3

'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt', Geralt of Rivia will not get PS4 Pro graphical update

The award-winning 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' will not be getting an enhanced graphical update on Sony's more powerful, PlayStation 4 Pro.
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Suda 51's first game finally ventures outside Japan after 17 years

Japanese Developer Grasshopper Manufactur's first game is finally coming to the West, 17 years after its release.
playstation 4 pro modular

Tomorrow’s modular, upgradable consoles will be quicker …. and more confusing

With both Sony and Microsoft releasing updated versions of their consoles, is there a possibility that the next Xbox and PlayStation will be modular?
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Steam removes all of Digital Homicide’s games after it sues 100 users

Indie developer Digital Homicide has sued 100 Steam users to the tune of $18 million, which has caused Valve to remove the developer from Steam.
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Windows Phone fans will be pleased that WhatsApp now has OneDrive support

WhatsApp Beta on Windows Phone has received a new update adding OneDrive upload support to users.
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Can you do an Elon Musk impression? An oil exec tried, and Musk is now suing him

An oil executive at Quest Integrity Group tried to impersonate Elon Musk to gain inside information, and Musk is now suing.
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If you're not at least 13 years old, Steam asks you not sign up for its service

Valve has quietly updated its Steam Subscriber Agreement which now states users must be 13 years old.
riot games sues botting service over league of legends leagueoflegends feat

More than one percent of the global population is playing ‘League of Legends’

Riot Games revealed League of Legends boasts more than 100 million active players.
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'BioShock: The Collection' revealed to lack streaming support on consoles

In a forum post, 2K Games clarified to users that 'BioShock: The Collection' lacks streaming support on consoles.
edge microsoft chrome battery efficiency life

Microsoft continues the browser battery life battle in yet another video

The back and forth between Microsoft and Google continues over which offers the best battery life
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Modification adds Sora from ‘Kingdom Hearts’ to ‘Super Smash Bros.’ for Wii U

Two modders have created a new texture mod that allows gamers to play as Sora in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
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Windows 10 Mobile reaches 14-percent share of Windows Phone market

Windows 10 Mobile is now at a 14-percent market share within the overall Windows Phone market, but it's still a fraction of the overall mobile market.