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Latest by Jeff Hughes

avenging spider-man

Marvel Comics follows DC, titles going day-and-date by 2012

Comics evolving; Marvel follows DC with a new announcement about tacking its comic titles day-and-date digital.

Facebook and Intense Debaters beware, Googlebots now index Ajax/JavaScript

Google changes the SEO game by giving its googlebot web crawlers AJAX/Javascript indexing capabilities. Web and blog comments now available to Google search.

Twitter launches new Stories product to highlight positive power of the tweet

Twitter Stories gets launched to highlight the positive power of the tweet.
business men cell phone walking

London police buy surveillance tech to track cell phone users

New surveillance technology by London's Metropolitan Police Force masquerades as a network to gather data, track users and even deny service.

HP’s $99 tablet officially no more, Best Buy to offer $150 32GB TouchPad Nov. 1

HP's $99 tablet is officially out of stock, but Best Buy says it has some 32 GB TouchPad's lying around and will be selling them for $50 in November.
origin3rd via Kotaku

Capcom, THQ and Warner Bros games coming to EA’s Origin in early November

New games games from third-parties are coming to EA's up-and-coming digital distribution platform Origin. Capcom, THQ and Warner Bros. are the first three publishers signed up for the new changes.
steve jobs resigns

PBS airing Steve Jobs documentary on Nov 2, with new interview

A never-before-broadcast interview with Steve Jobs will be included in a new documentary being aired by PBS November 2 called One Last Thing

Grazer says The Dark Tower is back on for production and coming to HBO

Shot down in July by Universal Pictures, Grazer says The Dark Tower is back up for production and will be heading to HBO.

Anonymous wages war on ‘darknet’ hidden pedophiles, 40+ websites down

Anonymous versus pedos. The hacktivist group wages war on pedophiles hiding using a 'darknet'

CrowdStar launches post-apocalyptic hardcore strategy game Wasteland Empires

CrowdStar launched Wasteland Empires today on Facebook, a post-apocalyptic game targeting hardcore strategy fans.
modlab robot

Researchers design robot that creates new robots out of foam

If you like robots, we found these Modlab researchers from the University of Pennsylvania who made a robot that makes new robots out of foam

MC Hammer says he’s launching a search engine called WIREDoo

It was Hammer time at the 2011 Web 2.0 Summit as MC Hammer announced a new search engine venture called WIREDoo.
sonys 3d display gets november u s release date sony

Sony’s 3D display gets November U.S. release date

The Sony 3D Display gets a UK and U.S. release date for next month, the HMZ-T1 gets a release date for Dec. 8

The DeLorean comes back for 2013 production, gets electric motor

The DeLorean is making its way to back to production in 2013 with a new electric motor.

Spotify comes to your TV with the Boxee Box

First WD, now Spotify comes to TVs with the Boxee Box.

Google to pair Music Beta with MP3 store

Google's pairing Music Beta with an MP3 download store to compete with Amazon and iTunes

Fake Netflix app preys on eagerness of Android users

A recently uncovered Trojan masks itself as a Netflix app, preying on the eagerness of Android users and stealing their information.

German officials admit to using R2D2 Trojan to spy on citizens

German government officials from Bavaria and other states admit to spying on citizens using the R2D2 Trojan software, found by Chaos Computer Club hackers, which may be in breach of German wiretapping law.

Q&A startup comes to Facebook in latest acquisition

Facebook has recently acquired the 10-person strong Q&A startup who will most likely bolster the social media giant's Questions product.

Barnes & Noble pulls 100 comic titles in retaliation for Amazon deal with DC

DC Comics picks Amazon's Kindle Fire over Nook, Barnes & Noble pulls 100 comic titles in retaliation. No more physical copies of Watchmen, Sandman and more popular titles being sold in B&N stores.

UC Davis iPhone tweak turns camera into disease spotting microscope

A MacGyver tweak to the iPhone by researchers at UC Davis transforms the 5 megapixel camera into a medical-grade microscope capable of detecting blood disorders

Wikipedia may shut down Italian-language site in response to speech restrictions

Wikipedia shuts down the Italian site and threatens complete deletion in response to speech restrictions from the Italian Prime Minister.

Researchers develop ‘Invisible Key’ that unlocks doors using motion sensors

New tech from Tiawanese researchers uses motion sensor technology to create an 'Invisible Key', allowing you to open your front door with a preset hand gesture.
mail guy

New US Postal Service ad campaign aims at e-mail security

A new ad campaign by the ailing the ailing United States Postal Service warns about e-mail security, asserting that snail mail is "safe and secure".

Zune Pass gets a $9.99 price tag and heads to Canada Oct. 3

Microsoft's Zune Pass service makes a blip on the music-streaming radar with a new $9.99 price tag and a ticket to Canada.

Google helping homeowners get solar power with $75 million investment

Google ads to its green image with a $75 million investment to help homeowners get hooked up to solar power.

Flickr founders launch quirky new MMO: Glitch

Glitch, an ambitious and quirky MMO by Flickr founders has finally stepped out of beta today. Earn abilities and form communities with friends to create a mythological culture that will survive into a benevolent future.

Google+ gets a traffic surge of 1269 percent

Google Plus has reached a new high, with traffic up 1,269% and a spot in the top ten social networking sites--though still behind Facebook and even MySpace.

Wisconsin library begins lending out first-generation iPads

In a first for libraries across the country (if not the world), the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Wisconsin has decided to add iPads to their lending circulation. In a weeks time, 32 iPads will be available for patrons to check-out.

Spotify to start dropping invite-only, will offer 6-month trials (Update)

Spotify is dropping the invite-only barrier and opening up to users for free for a six-month trial.

Apple donates over 9,000 free iPads to Teach for America

Apple hands out refurbished iPad 1 units to the thousands of members teaching for Teach for America.

Comcast launches low-income $10 broadband program nationwide

Comcast makes good on its plan to offer low-income families cheap $10 broadband access. Today the program went live nationwide.

Google strengthens Offers with acquisition of German DailyDeal

Google strengthens offers with a recent acquisition. Is DailyDeal Google's gateway into Europe?
levar burton to reboot reading rainbow for the ipad celebrity

LeVar Burton to reboot Reading Rainbow for the iPad

LeVar Burton says Reading Rainbow is coming back and is headed to the iPad to reach a new generation of children.