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Latest by J. Van Camp

Chevy Volt drives into dealerships this week

General Motors has sent out its first batch of Chevy Volt electric cars to dealerships in California, New York, and other states.

Check out this stunning Facebook world map

A lone Facebook intern has created a world map built solely from 10 million friendship pairings. Not bad for a new guy.

Motorola Honeycomb tablet pics and specs

We've got stats and pics of the Motorola tablet Rick Rubin showed off last week at All Things D running Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).

Quake Arena Arcade coming to Xbox Live on Dec. 15

Bathesda has announced that Quake III Arena will finally be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade on Dec. 15.

Gawker hacked, 1.5 million accounts compromised

Hackers that may or may not be from 4chan took down all Gawker Media sites over the weekend, publishing staff passwords and obtaining usernames, emails, and passwords for 1.5 million users registered on the Website network.

Xbox outsells Wii in record November, but not by much

The Xbox 360, fueled by Kinect, had one of its best months ever, selling 67 percent more consoles than last year. And despite gloom and doom reports, the Wii held its own. The PS3, on the other hand, did not fare so well.

European operators want App makers to help pay for data

European cell phone operators are projecting a lot less revenue growth than they'd like. As such, they'd like websites, Google, and Apple to start footing some of the bill.

E-reader sales to jump 68 percent in 2011, says Gartner

Tablet PCs like the iPad are flooding the market, but that won't stop e-readers from selling, says Gartner Research.

Japanese spacecraft misses target, fails to orbit Venus

Akatsuki, a Japanese research spacecraft, failed to enter orbit around Venus Monday after losing communication with Earth.

Facebook and Twitter not removing WikiLeaks, yet

With a host of companies disabling or suspending WikiLeaks from using their services, Facebook and Twitter come into the spotlight. Will they remove the controversial site?

Google shows early Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) tablet

Andy Rubin showed off an unreleased Motorola tablet running Android 3.0 at the All Things D Conference in San Francisco.

Check out the new Lara Croft

Square Enix is finally debuting its new Tomb Raider game in this month's Game Informer. Judging from the first picture, it might be quite different.

Man claims Droid 2 exploded in his ear

A Texas man claims that his Motorola Droid 2 exploded in his ear, causing a trip to the hospital and four stitches.

Polaroid to make its instant camera return at CES?

Polaroid has sent out a teaser image for a product it plans to reveal at CES. It appears to be a next generation instant printing camera.

Netflix offers $100K per episode to stream new TV shows

Netflix is offering TV studios up to $100,000 per episode to air current season shows on its streaming service.
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Seattle police fight auto theft with Twitter

The Seattle Police Department is trying something new. It has created a Twitter account specifically for posting missing cars.

RIM buys design company to pretty up struggling BlackBerry brand

RIM has purchased The Astonishing Tribe, a design company that specializes in mobile phone and tablet UI.

GSA picks Google Apps; Microsoft retorts

Google has won a multi-million dollar deal to serve its suite of apps and email to the GSA, a federal agency that's 17,000 people strong. Microsoft is not happy about the deal.

OnLive announces $10 a month unlimited game streaming

OnLive, the streaming video game microconsole, is launching a new unlimited game streaming service for $9.99 a month. It will launch with 14 games.

Google gets tough on copyright infringement

Today, Google announced four new ways it plans on cutting into illegal piracy and copyright infringement.

Bidding war pushes Twitter value to $4 billion

Twitter's value has grown by a third in just a few weeks thanks to a bidding war between Russian and American investors.
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Google Chrome browser nears 10 percent share

Surged by the launch of Chrome 7.0 and other factors, Chrome gained a full point and is getting dangerously close to a 10 percent market share.
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Panasonic invites gamers to test new Jungle handheld

Panasonic is moving forward with its Jungle gaming handheld. Yesterday, the company sent out an email inviting users to test out its new platform.

Google Editions e-book store to launch in 2010

Google Editions, the search giant's first attempt at an e-book store, will launch in 2010, reports say. Details on the store remain sketchy.

EA to cut boxed game releases 40 pct, refocus on digital and mobile

EA plans to publish far fewer traditional games in favor of more digital content in the years ahead to compete with new social game publishers like Zynga.

Windows Phone 7 unlocked, Visual Basic support added

In less than a month, hackers have found a way to unlock Windows Phone 7, allowing the installation of non-marketplace apps. And Microsoft has added Visual Basic support so developing apps is easier than ever.

EU investigates Google over ads, search results

The European Union is investigating Google on complaints that it demotes rivals in search results.

Celebrities hold Twitter accounts for ransom

Alicia Keys has started a charity campaign asking celebrities to die digitally and shut down their Twitter and Facebook accounts until $1 million is reached for Keep a Child Alive.

Black Friday online spending up 9 percent

Online holiday sales are up another 9 percent this year, thanks to big gains by sites like Amazon and other retailers.

Study: 59 percent of people check work email during the holidays

A new study commissioned by Xobni finds that more than half of adult workers check their email while on holiday.
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Opera 11 browser introduces tab stacking

The Opera 11 beta is out and has a new feature: stacked tabs. They allow users to group tabs much like tabs allowed users to group webpages.

More than 50 3D games coming to PS3

Sony's Mick Hocking reveals that Sony has more than 50 internal and external games being converted to 3D as the company loooks to push the new technology.

Israeli Angry Birds satire goes viral

Angry Birds is so big that it's been satirized by Israeli television. In addition, Rovio is developing a second version of the game for lower-end Android phones

Google Cloud Connect takes on Microsoft Office

Google has launched Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office, allowing Office users to back up and sync their docs, spreadsheets, and slideshows on Google's cloud network.