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Tom Caswell

Tom Caswell

Former Digital Trends Contributor

Professional video producer and writer, gaming enthusiast, and streamer!

Phantom Thieves

Persona 5 Strikers review: Missing the spark

Persona 5 Strikers is as flashy as its predecessor, but lacks the interesting gameplay mechanics that made the original worth spending time with.
Control Force Powers

Control: Ultimate Edition unlocks the PS5 and Xbox Series X’s true potential

The Ultimate Edition of Control breathes new life into the game thanks to the next-gen consoles, with top of the class ray tracing and DualSense on PS5.

What the new James Bond game should (and shouldn’t) take from Hitman 3

IO Interactive's Hitman trilogy has laid a great foundation for its Project 077, but the formula will need to be shaken, not stirred, in order to perfect it.
Hitman 3 Stadia

Hitman 3’s best feature is only available on Google Stadia

The Hitman trilogy is all about replaying its levels, and Stadia gives you a way to do so that no other version of the game can, and players need to know.
Hitman 3 Dubai level.

Hitman 3 review: A satisfying conclusion to the trilogy

Hitman 3 takes Agent 47 to the series' best locations, playing into the games' strengths while offering new incentives to retry missions over and over again.

Indie hit Oxenfree’s legacy continues with an upcoming TV series

The founders of Night School Studios talk about the game on its fifth anniversary, and how plans for a movie have turned into plans for a potential TV series.
Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 Strikers preview: A mixed spinoff for fans

Persona 5 Strikers lacks the school structure and social aspects that made Persona 5 so beloved, but it's just as laborious despite adding real-time combat.
gods will fall preview devourer

Gods Will Fall preview: Indie Soulslike game could be 2021’s first hidden gem

With replay value, intense combat, and impressive visuals, a lot of what made Hades such an indie hit in 2020 might do the same for Gods Will Fall in 2021.
Back 4 Blood Stinger preparing to attack.

Back 4 Blood is even more like Left 4 Dead than you may think — and that’s good

Back 4 Blood perfectly copies Left 4 Dead's asymmetrical formula, while building on top of it with new mechanics to bring it into the modern era of shooters.
Judy leans over a table in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 post-patch review: A car crash of a game you can’t turn away from

There are great elements to Cyberpunk 2077, but the good is covered in a litany of issues, some that can be fixed and some that are baked into the game itself.
Partie Trailer screenshot

Matchmaking service Partie wants to pay you to play video games

Partie is unlike other matchmaking services with its subscription fee and partner program, but can it become a daily fixture of gamers' lives?
kate bishop taking aim avengers dlc review superadaptoid 001 v1

New Kate Bishop DLC not enough to rescue Marvel’s Avengers from its problems

Kate Bishop's fun enough to play as in Marvel's Avengers' first major DLC, but the rest of the game is still a drag.
Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising review: 2020’s sleeper hit

It may not hit the organic exploration of Breath of the Wild, but Immortals makes up for its shortcomings with great design, a witty script, and solid combat.
summer games done quick 2020 23 million gaming

There’s no reason to buy a gaming PC anymore thanks to new consoles

The Xbox Series X and PS5 have nearly closed the gap compared to PC, and there's very little reason to buy one anymore if you're just looking to game.
Cloud9 White

Why Cloud9 believes its first all-women’s team is a big step for e-sports

Cloud9 discusses its new all-women's esports team and the fight for equality in gaming.
Xbox Series S

Xbox Series S review: Impressive but not worth it in the long run

The Series S is initially an impressive piece of hardware for its price, but its limitations quickly become apparent. I can hardly recommend buying it.
assassins creed valhalla review 491495eaa1d608140e6 78434262 acv iconicengland evening female

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla review: One of the franchise’s best

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a great Assassin's Creed game, but what makes it good is also what makes it decidedly un-Assassin's Creed, for better of worse.
dirt 5 nolan north troy baker interview rz nfmxw

Troy Baker and Nolan North talk their Dirt 5 rivalry: ‘There was no script’

The two veteran voice actors talk about how this project was unique compared to the other games they've acted in, and how they came to be involved with it.
watch dogs legion review fly drone

Watch Dogs: Legion review: The reasons to skip it are legion

Despite Ubisoft's best open world to date, the main hook of recruiting anyone in the open world falls flat, and the PC version is particularly buggy.
call of duty warzone saw texas chainsaw massacre halloween update mw s6 hov announce 017

Call of Duty: Warzone update adds Hollywood icons for Halloween fun

Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Billy the Puppet from Saw will be coming to the game, along with new horrifying modes for a limited time.
PlayStation 5 controller and PS5.

Sony finally reveals the PlayStation 5’s user interface — and it looks awesome

The new PlayStation 5 UI seems to take inspiration from several past PlayStation consoles, while adding some new functionality.
gamestop fights to keep used games on playstation 4 and xbox 720

Microsoft’s deal with GameStop could steer holiday shoppers toward Xbox

Microsoft will be providing GameStop with new tools for its retail stores, as well as a cut of revenue on digital sales for each Xbox it sells.
mario kart live home circuit review

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit review: Fun for some ages

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit includes a well-made toy kart that is fun to drive, but the surprising amount of content clashes with a bunch of smaller issues.
PS5 and DualSense art.

Sony confirms most PlayStation 4 games will work on PlayStation 5

Sony confirmed that the majority of games released on PlayStation 4 will work on PS5, and that players will even be able to use the DualShock 4 to play them.
A Dreamcast sits on a table.

Sega teases more mini consoles, including the Dreamcast

After the success of the Sega Genesis Mini and the Game Gear Micro, a producer for Sega speculates that it will produce more compact versions of its consoles.
ps5 teardown info

PlayStation 5 teardown reveals liquid metal cooling, upgradable storage

The PlayStation 5 should not only be able to handle thermals much better than the PS4 Pro, but offers great user customization options with design and storage.
black ops cold war beta details bocw mp event wm 03

What to know about the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta

The details on who can play the game's beta when are murky. Here's a step-by-step guide on exactly which players can jump into new Call of Duty gameplay.
5ways genshin impact is better than breath of the wild dragon

5 ways Genshin Impact is better than Breath of the Wild

From its more populated world to its interesting elemental abilities, there are a few key ways in which Genshin Impact improves upon Breath of the Wild.
minecraft live 2020 news update lush caves

Minecraft update 1.17: Caves and cliffs to channel your inner Indiana Jones

Minecraftis getting a massive rework of its cliffs and caves in 2021, and new content is being added to the Education Edition and Minecraft Dungeons.
mario kart live home cicuit preview switch mariokartlivehomecircuit photo 01

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is a shockingly fun take on AR racing

Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit transcends the novelty of having a remote-controlled kart, and offers an in-depth experience for even die-hard fans of the series.
everything you need to know amazon luna unveils cloud gaming service 1600977477679

Everything to know about Amazon’s game streaming service Luna

Here's every detail on Amazon's Luna cloud streaming service, from how it works to how much it will cost and what games it has.
Amazon Luna's game library in October 2020.

Every game coming to Amazon’s Luna at launch

Here are all the games Amazon's Luna game streaming service will have at launch. They are available with a Luna+ subscription.

Amazon introduces video game streaming service Luna

Luna requires a $6 subscription that comes bundled with a handful of games, and Amazon will release a controller that connects directly to the cloud.
star wars squadrons release date trailer gameplay news destroyer

Star Wars: Squadrons: Everything we know about the upcoming game

EA Motive spent countless hours making a combat flight simulator for Star Wars that has the truest representation of the franchises' famous ships to date.