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Tinder will look quaint beside the future of digital dating

Online dating went from a novelty to the de facto was of meeting a mate in only 10 years, and as it goes mobile, it will continue to reshape the relationship landscape.
interview photographer trey ratcliff uses facebook live namibia funfun  407 of 501 edit x3

Meet the travel photographer using Facebook Live to invite you along on the road

Travel photographer Trey Ratcliff has embarked on a six-month journey where he plans to visit six continents. Unlike his previous travelogues, Ratcliff will have a live audience following him on Facebook.
lingohop app

Lingohop wants to make language learning personal, relevant to you

Lingohop is a new language-learning platform that launched on Kickstarter. It works through four-minute lessons based on topics you choose.
weekly recap samsung galaxy edge plus tinder ceo google alphabet ge neuro kite and lightning 1

Stories you missed this week: Tinder dumps its CEO, Samsung’s dueling Galaxies

It can be challenging to keep track of everything that happens in the tech world. That's why, we have compiled a list of the top 10 tech stories from this week — just for you.
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10 tech stories you missed this week: Lexus hoverboard unveiled, Jon Stewart signs off

It can be challenging to keep track of everything that happens in the tech world. That's why, we have compiled a list of the top 10 tech stories from this week — just for you.
citizen journalist

The citizen journalist: How ordinary people are taking control of the news

Citizens have provided raw footage of events that have altered the course of history and now the technology has arrived to help citizen journalists.
Monty Python's Spamalot

Why do we call it spam? Blame spiced ham shoulder, Monty Python and Usenet

You know spam is the canned meat that clogs your arteries and the junk email messages that clog your inbox, but how did the term make it from the grocery store to the Internet? The earliest nerds really liked Monty Python.
best of ces 2012 staff picks

Here’s the only place at CES where your vote really matters

At Last Gadget Standing and Mobile Apps Showdown, the makers of cutting-edge gadgets and apps are given a stage, an audience, and 4 minutes to defend their creations.
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How to be an effective couch potato and binge-watch this Labor Day

Got the day off? Grab a computer or other web-enabled streaming device and hit up these shows.

Meet the online snoops selling your dirty laundry and how you can stop them

Big Brother is watching, and his name is data broker. Here, a guide to these shadowy companies, what dirt they have on you, and how you can shield yourself from their prying eyes.
job expert qa top 10 hunting tips thumbnail hunt

Job Expert Q&A: Top 10 Job Hunting Tips

Ten tips every 2010 job seeker should know, straight from our job hunting expert.
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2010 Career Building Tips

Shorten any job search with our expert’s tips on leveraging social networks, personal branding, sample resumes and services like Monster, Google, Yahoo and
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Job Hunting Tips: Strategies for Finding a Job Online

Speed up any job hunt with these expert tips on how to network, build a resume and conduct better job interviews across the board.
tech etiquette guide

Tech Etiquette Guide

Keep your tech habit from inadvertently becoming the ire of everyone around you with these tips.